Create an entity-relationship diagram from the entities

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131441975

You have learned some database components such as entities (tables) with attributes (columns/fields) and keys in previous lessons such as Relational Databases, Database Fields and Field Specifications, and Establishing Keys. Now based on the examples in those lessons, you will design a database for CTU, which includes three entities (tables): Students, Faculty, and Classes.

Note a class refers to a particular class section. For example, the current CS251 you are taking is one class instance (i.e. CS251-01), and another CS251 section is another class instance (i.e. CS251-02). And it should also have session information (i.e. 1604A).

In summary, create a Word document for your design which includes:

Three entities and each entity should have at least three attributes.

Properly Identify all Primary (Use Solid Underlines) and Foreign Keys (Use Dotted Underlines)

Define the relationships between entities (See examples in Data Model and Database Entities and Relationship Modeling lessons)

Create an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) from the entities. You may use SmartDraw, Visio, Erwin, or even PowerPoint or Word to draw the diagram. Take a screenshot (no need if you use Word) and insert it into the Word document.

Reference no: EM131441975

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