Create an entity relationship diagram

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131449258

Assignment -


  • To develop a conceptual data model diagram
  • To perform logical design

Assignment Specification -

In this assignment, you need to perform the following tasks for the given case study:

  • Draw an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram
  • Perform logical design
  • Create 3NF Relations

Case Study -

Many medical specialists offer their medical consultations and perform special medical procedures to the patients at CQ Specialist Medical Center (hereafter called as CQMC).  Patients generally book their appointments through a telephone call or by personal visits to the center.  Sometimes, the General Medical Practitioners (GPs) contact CQMC directly on behalf of their patients for the specialist appointments.

The patient details, such as name, gender, etc., are collected and stored at CQMC. Since the name of the patient is not going to be unique, each patient is identified by a unique patient ID.  The details of patient's medical history (past surgeries undertaken), details of current medications (medicines and dosages) and other medication-allergies, if any, have to be maintained by CQMC. The referral letter from a GP is not a requirement at the time of booking for an appointment with the specialist but it is compulsory at the time of actual patient's consultation.  Just prior to the consultation, CQMC collects the referral letter from the patient and notes down the details of date of referral and the GP (identified by unique Medical Provider Number) who issued that referral letter.  Based on the necessity, the same GP may refer the same patient to the same specialist many times over a period of time.  During the consultation, a specialist may conduct various medical tests and procedures on the patient; may prescribe multiple prescriptions to the patient.  After each appointment, the name of the standard tests and procedures performed along with the medical prescription details are stored and maintained by CQMC.

The following table provides the details of consultation and other charges applicable for the specialist's appointments. The charges can be assumed to be constant values.











After each appointment, the patient pays the entire appointment charges to CQMC.  Each appointment charges include the consultation fees and additionally may include multiple other charges from the above table.  Sometimes, some specialists offer discount amount to some appointments on special grounds such as Pensioner, Veteran etc., 

Some GPs and patients often would like to know the details of qualifications and number of years of experience of the specialists.  Hence, CQMC maintains and updates those details periodically. You may note that a medical specialist may have multiple qualifications.

The attributes of the possible entities have not been mentioned clearly.  Hence, you need to assume at least three and at most seven relevant attributes for each of the entities that you will identify for your ER diagram.

Assignment Requirements -

In this assignment, you need to create an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram relevant to the above case study and perform logical design to produce appropriate 3NF Relations.

The attributes for various entities have not been purposely described in the case study so that the students are encouraged to further research and list the pertinent attributes in addition to the required identifier for each and every entity in their ERD.

Draw an appropriate ER diagram -

Use the symbols as prescribed in your unit-textbook to draw the ER diagram (ERD) for the above case study. 

Your ERD must:

  • show all necessary entities, attributes and relationships
  • show identifiers/identifying attributes as necessary
  • show multi-valued attributes, if any
  • show participation and cardinality
  • show associative entities, if appropriate
  • show weak entities, if any
  • use the notation described in the set text
  • use consistent and appropriate naming for entities and attributes as specified in the unit text book

Some business rules or other aspects of the case study may not be clear to you when you read the case study. If this is the case, then you should either approach your lecturer or tutor for clarification, or you may simply make an assumption and then develop your ERD accordingly. For example, the case study might not mention all relevant participation information (also called minimum cardinalities). If so, you may make an assumption about what the minimum cardinalities might reasonably be, and then show them in your ERD accordingly. You should justify each assumption in terms of the business, for example: it is assumed that each customer must have at least one order because it is assumed that the business does not record customer details until the customer places an order.

To get yourself started, ask yourself, 'If I were running this business, what things I need to keep a list of?'  Write those things down.  For each thing, what information would you need to record about it? How can it be identified? The answers to these questions will help you to develop your ERD.

Assumptions and Business rules -

Provide assumptions and business rules relevant to your ERD.

Create Logical Design -

Map your Entity Relationship diagram (ERD) into relations and make sure that all the relations are in 3NF. Provide all the relations in the following format:

Customer (CustomerId, customerName, Street, Suburb, State, PostCode, Email)

Invoice (InvoiceNumber, invoiceDate, Total, CustomerId)

foreign key (CustomerId) references Customer(CustomerId)

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131449258

Questions Cloud

What is the rental rate for capital in dollars : If the marginal rate of technical substitution for a cost minimizing firm is 10, and wage rate for labour is $5, what is the rental rate for capital in dollars?
Describe one technology that you use on a daily basis : What features or elements of that technology make it difficult, frustrating, or not enjoyable to use?
Recommended project during the capital budgeting process : Discuss how allocation of overhead costs after project is accepted can be troublesome to manager who recommended project during capital budgeting process
Define the novikov condition : A stochastic equation for a martingale). Consider an adapted process x(t) that satisfies the Novikov condition. Define the processes.
Create an entity relationship diagram : you need to create an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram relevant to the above case study and perform logical design to produce appropriate 3NF Relations
How would you characterize the skewness of the distribution : How would you characterize the Skewness of the distribution in Question 1-positively skewed, negatively skewed, or approximately normal?
Sarbanes-oxley acts major positive points : The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was enacted to address major accounting scandals,
Potential line items related to the production : estimate the future direct costs for at least ten potential line items related to the production of its navigation systems.
What element of this application or technology are valuable : select one application or a technology that could effectively increase patient engagement and patient outcomes for your future practice area or work focus.



4/3/2017 5:13:21 AM

You must work individually on this assignment. The model solution to this assignment will be released approximately TWO (2) weeks after the due date. Assignments that are submitted after the release of the model solution will receive zero marks. You must state in your assignment (at the end under the heading Acknowledgements is a good place) all materials and sources you used. This may be as simple as 'This assignment was completed using only the COIT20247 unit materials' to mention that you have used only the items provided by the unit COIT20247. Before submitting your assignment, review the marking criteria that are available in the assignment specification. Ensure that all the criteria are addressed in your submission. After submitting your assignment, please verify that your submission was successful, i.e. download your submitted files to ensure that they are correct. Penalty related to late submission and plagiarism is handled as per the university policies.


4/3/2017 5:13:13 AM

You must make an electronic submission for this assignment using the appropriate assignment submission link in the unit web site. You should submit a Microsoft Word document containing: A copy of your ERD. A list of business rules and assumptions including their justifications. 3NF Relations. Your document should contain appropriate identifying information (your student number, name, unit number, etc.) and should contain appropriate headings for each section.

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