Reference no: EM131479004
ASSIGNMENT: Create an ecumenical service from opening to closing.
Ecumenical services represent a number of different Christian traditions. The specific purpose of ecumenical services is for the unification of the Christian Church. As a result, your service must represent multiple Christian religious perspectives.
This is your opportunity to show your understanding of the course materials as well as how it connected specifically with the three different churches you visited and others that may have captured your attention. You will not be given a passing grade if you simply use a Catholic service and add different songs etc.
This must be ECUMENICAL.
Order of Service: Be very specific about what you want to occur from the moment people walk into church until the service ends.
Theme: Be creative! If you choose a theme, follow it through with your readings and the music selections.
At a minimum, your service should include:
1. A combination of congregational and formally-presented music (choir, soloist or instrumental ensemble): Be specific about what music you are using, who will be performing it etc. Include a copy of the music in your final folder.
2. Scripture readings: at least two different scripture texts. Include the full text for the Scripture reading.
3. Sermon: What is the subject of the sermon? What is the primary scripture reference? Who will be delivering the message?
4. Prayers: What kinds of prayers will be represented?
5. At least three different rites (the what) with clear descriptions of the rituals (the how) and from which tradition the come.
One of the rites must be communion/Lord's Supper/Eucharist.
6. Be sure to justify, with proper citations, why the way (ritual method) you are structuring a particular rite belongs to a specific church type.
7. Complete copies of resources used (ex. Music from hymnal or songbook, links to recordings used, poetry, pictures of clothing/food etc as appropriate). It is NOT sufficient to simply supply links to materials. The links should be in your resources (bibliography).
You MUST supply copies of the actual music, images etc). Collect these into one collection. Feel free to save the project in Microsoft Powerpoint.
8. Proper citations for all materials used.