Create an array of peoples first names

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131143380

The following assignment incorporates the concepts from prior weeks (variables, if-else logic, loops, and arrays), along with this week's topic of file input/output process.

Create a Visual Logic program that will:

Create an array of people's first names. Using a loop, read the names from a text (txt) file, and store each one into the array. The array should allow for a maximum of 100 entries. Continue to read in first names and store them into the array. The last entry in the text file, containing "LastOne," will indicate the end of the list of names.

Prompt the user for a first name.

Loop through the array to determine if the first name entered exists in the array. If a match is found, display a message that includes the name and a message indicating that there was a match found. If no match is found, display a message so indicating.

Using a loop, continue to prompt the user for first names and determine if a match in the array is found. The loop should continue until the user indicates "stop" as the first name.

Reference no: EM131143380

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