Create an argument essay and a loom video

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133400037


Need an argument essay and belong is the requirement

REQUIRED READING! Your argument essay will be the last "official" essay for this class. It is imperative for you to understand the requirements of this essay. Please read the following and expect to come back to this folder frequently (normally I would create a Loom video on this, but I am struggling with getting my students to watch the videos-so everything will need to read instead):

Your entire paper MUST be in MLA format. If you are still struggling with MLA format, please refer to the videos I have posted since the start of this class. Here are some things to keep in mind: 12 size font, Times New Roman (TNR), double space (with no added space between paragraphs), NO BOLDED OR ALL CAPS WORDS, creative title, MLA formatted heading, header with last name and page number. You will need a MINIMUM of 4 sources for this essay. Remember that each source should be used in your essay (in text citations) only 1-2 times per source. That means you should have 4-8 in text citations. You MUST include a works cited page that is in correct MLA format (in alphabetical order, hanging sources, 12 size font, TNR, no added spaces between sources).

Please refer back to the MLA video I created for you. Please look at page 170 (chpt 13) for an example of a proper MLA format works cited page. Your essay MUST be 4-5 pages in length, with an additional page for your works cited page. That means your paper should be 5-6 pages once finished. This essay will be broken down into certain parts. What that means is this: DO NOT go and complete your essay prior to completing each step.

Here are the steps for this essay: topic choice, intro with thesis and stance, counter argument with refute, outline, draft, final essay. Each week, you will be submitting a part of this essay.

If you choose to write the essay prior to completing these steps, it is likely you will not complete the assignment correctly. Additionally, the box for this essay will NOT open until the weekend before it is due. Please keep in mind that there will be NO "do overs" for this essay. Please make sure to read and watch everything that is in each weekly folder from here on out. Here is the example of the outline

Reference no: EM133400037

Questions Cloud

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Six stages of Kohlbergs model : Explain what Barbara should do if she reasons at each of the six stages of Kohlberg's model.
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Create an argument essay and a loom video : Create an argument essay and a Loom video - counter argument with refute - This essay will be broken down into certain parts. What that means
Compute the degree of operating leverage : What is the product's CM ratio? Compute the degree of operating leverage based on last year's sales.
Why going with a solution that utilizes many threads : Why going with a solution that utilizes many threads (multi-threads) rather than multiple processes or multi-process will result in more scalability.
How accessible might these technologies be to people living : Share some of the current trends for telecommunications and networks. What technologies do you think will be "hot" upon your graduation from this program?
Essay on a kids book - formulate a thesis within parameters : Create meaning in a piece of literature. You should pay attention to specific word choices. ideologies reinforced or challenged by the text. and themes


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