Reference no: EM13988438
"12 Years A Slave" VS "The Color Purple"
2) Create an ARGUMENT about both films (and state it in the 1st paragraph).
3) DEFEND your argument with ELEMENTS FROM THE FILMS (like....editing, cinematography/camera work, dialogue, costumes, makeup, production design, sound, music, etc.).
4) DO NOT make your paper a critique of the films (for example: "I highly recommend you see these films as they...."). I am not interested in whether you like the films are not but what you SAW/HEARD/learned about filmmaking by watching them (for example, I didn't like the movie Hail, Caesar! but what I learned is that the use of cinematography and color helped to tell the story of the film by.....).
5) CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR, SPELLING and SENTENCE STRUCTURE (primarily for run-on sentences. Make your sentences clear and to the point!).
6) UNDERLINE or ITALICIZE film titles!!!! (for example, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest or Reds, Pulp Fiction, or Somethings Gotta Give, etc.)
7) Finally: Don't worry so much about talking about how the films connect to the decade or time period from which they were made....that's a lot to tackle. Again, just defend an argument about the films using the elements of both films to support it. For example: Do the Right Thing (example of film about Social Justice and Struggle) and Sunset Boulevard (Film Noir) both talk about change in a community that is disruptive to the people that live there. I will provide examples through the use of cinematography and costume design to show how the main characters support and fight against change.
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