Create an appropriate tone and style

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133427851

Question: The increasing cost of college has led some people to call for tuition-free college. Others want to understand why college costs so much and is therefore unaffordable for students. Write an argumentative essay that presents your position on the cost of college. Develop an effective and persuasive line of reasoning that supports your position with evidence and commentary. Create an appropriate tone and style through word choice, comparisons, and syntax. Research the topic and use the text sources found on pp. 841-856 of your textbook. [ The textbook is The Language of Composition Third Edition ]

Reference no: EM133427851

Questions Cloud

Combine the two clauses into one sentence : Combine the two clauses into one sentence using an adjective (relative) clause. You will need to add a relative pronoun and may
What are categories of criminal outlined by lombroso : What are the categories of criminal outlined by Lombroso? How does the character of Frankenstein's monster fit these categories? How about Fritz?
Can a and b help c and d establish a shared secret key : described in this chapter. Assume C and D do not want to do that. Can A and B help C and D establish a shared secret key? Explain how or why not.
What is impact on secrecy of previously exchanged messages : What is the impact on secrecy of previously exchanged messages? What would be the impact on secrecy of future messages? Is there any harm in A sending
Create an appropriate tone and style : Create an appropriate tone and style through word choice, comparisons, and syntax. Research the topic and use the text sources found on pp
Describe the extent of the rain : Describe the extent of the rain/inclement weather damage you sustained, the date the damage occurred, and how it has impacted you
Define the healthcare professional : Develop evidence-based arguments through the critical engagement of outside sources. Your primary goal, then, is to synthesize the points of view within
Write a short evaluation of one of the solutions in : Write a short evaluation of one of the solutions in, providing a context for the problem. solution: give out free computers; make internet access easier
What might this look like in the classroom : What might this look like in the classroom? How would their play differ from that of children engaged primarily in associative play?


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