Create an application that provides a solution

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13295516

Create an application that provides a solution for problem 20.8 In addition to requirements specified in the description. The class must satisfy the following

Default Constructor
Two argument constructor for data used to initialize "first" and "second"
"toString" method for displaying the "first" and "second" data elements
Creates a "Comparator" object (to be used by the sort method; i.e. create an instance of a class that implements the interface [must override "compare" and "equals" methods])

The application must create an ArrayList of 5 Pair objects and then display the contents in sorted order largest to smallest, based on the method used to compare "Pair" objects. The class only supports types that extend Number. Assume the "Pair" objects contain x, y coordinates. Therefore calculate the distance from a 0,0 coordinate to detrmine the sorting order (i.e., ascending, smallest distance to largest distance).

public class Pair< F, S >


   private F first; // first element of a pair

   private S second; // second element of a pair

   // constructor

   public Pair( F firstElement, S secondElement )


      first = firstElement;

      second = secondElement;

   } // end Pair constructor

   // get first

   public F getFirst()


      return first;

   } // end method getFirst

   // get second

   public S getSecond()


      return second;

   } // end method getSecond

   // set first

   public void setFirst( F firstElement )


      first = firstElement;

   } // end method setFirst

   // set second

   public void setSecond( S secondElement )


      second = secondElement;

   } // end method setSecond

} // end class Pair

// Exercise 18.8 Solution:

// Generic Pair class testing program.


public class PairTest


   public static void main( String args[] )


      // create pair of integer and string

      Pair< Integer, String > numberPair =

         new Pair< Integer, String >( 1, "one" );


      // display original numberPair

      System.out.printf( "Original pair: < %d, %s >\n",

         numberPair.getFirst(), numberPair.getSecond() );


      // modify pair

      numberPair.setFirst( 2 );

      numberPair.setSecond( "Second" );


      // display modified numberPair

      System.out.printf( "Modified pair: < %d, %s >\n",

         numberPair.getFirst(), numberPair.getSecond() );

   } // end method main

} // end class PairTest

Attachment:- application.png

Reference no: EM13295516

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