Create an application named testsquidwrangler

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM131442631

Programming in C# Please help me with my homework

1. Create an application named TestSquidWrangler that instantiates and displays a SquidWrangler object. The SquidWrangler class must contain fields for a wrangler's name (string), id number (int), and number of squid wrangled (int). Be sure that the contents of the object's fields are output by your application. You can create either a console or GUI app.

2. Create an application named TestNewspaperAd that instantiates and displays a ClassifiedAd object. A ClassifiedAd has fields for number of words and a price. Include get and set properties for the number of words but only a get property for the price--the price should be calculated at nine cents per word. You can create either a console or GUI app.

Reference no: EM131442631

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