Create an algorithm to describe how to balance a checkbook

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13760209

1. Create an algorithm to describe how to balance a checkbook for a company that has more than 100

1 Which customer(s) live in Georgia(GA)? List by name.
Table name is customer, check c_state attribute to locate matching state, returns c_id # 5 (Sheila Lewis)
2. How many customers placed an order on May 2006?
a. What are their names?
3. How many 3-Season Tents are left in stock?
4. Which customer (s) ( first and last names) placed orders from the "Web Site" order source?
5. Which specific items of the women's clothing category were sold between May 29th and May 31st inclusive

Reference no: EM13760209

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