Create an advertisement for tongariro national park

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131906767

Topic: Version 2 - Flight centre advertisement

Part 1 - Create an advertisement for Tongariro National Park using CSS only

You need to develop a small advertisement (horizontal banner) using animation. It should advertise Tongariro National Park. Tongariro National Park is on New Zealand's North Island. The park has 3 active volcanoes: Tongariro, Ngauruhoe (Mount Doom in "The Lord of the Rings" films) and Ruapehu with its ski slopes. The Tongariro Alpine Crossing trail passes the Emerald Lakes and boiling mud pools, culminating at still-active Red Crater. Park wildlife includes the brown kiwi and the whio, or blue duck. Tongariro River has rapids and trout.

a) You need to provide a storyboard as documentation for your advertisement.

b) The banner should change appearance completely twice. (Should look like complete new "page")

c) The minimum of two images should be included with animation:
a. move from side
b. from top

d) Text animation (one animation should have an infinitive loop, other only three times repetition)
a. movements (from top/ bottom, from side)
b. colour changes,
c. size changes,

e) Link to the advertised web site

f) Text with your name and student ID must be animated and stay visible in the end of animation.

Part 2 - Create an advertisement HTML5 for existing flash advertisement

You need to develop a small advertisement (vertical banner) using animation. It should provide a new version for the existing advertisement.

a) You need to provide a storyboard as a documentation for your advertisement.

b) The banner should change appearance completely follow the existing example. (Should look like complete new "page")

c) Text's animation should repeat an existing version.

d) Link to the advertised website (button or link)

e) Text with your name and student ID must be animated and stay visible in the end of animation.

f) Button to replay all advertisement.

Part 3 - Tutorial for JavaScript

You will need to write a tutorial which will contain as a minimum as three steps (each on separate page) and tutorial must have a minimum of three demos with different level for the user from easy to hard level. The information for each step is a web page, all your steps are linked using a menu. Your tutorial must explain how to use different user input to change a webpage's appearance. You must explain inputs (colour, range, dropdown box, number, radio buttons, checkboxes) and a combination using as a minimum three of them.


Possible sources of information

You can use resources such as academic journals, web sites and other Internet sources, class discussions and handouts, journals, newspapers and magazines, books, CD-ROMs and businesses' promotional literature. You need to provide the reference of all the when referencing web sites, you should, where possible, give the author, title and date of the resources, and the full URL of the page(s) referred to, rather than just the address of the home page.

Attachment:- Project.rar

Reference no: EM131906767

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3/19/2018 6:17:24 AM

Part 3 Tutorial: 1. Menu linked for webpages 8 2. Working Demos ( 3) 12 3. Easy explanation, professional language 10 4. Project 1 professional presentation as web pages on dochyper space, In project1 folder, homepage – index.html, external CSS files. Spelling, Any extras. 5 Total marks 100


3/19/2018 6:17:17 AM

1. Similar images movements 9 2. Link to the advertised web site 3 3. Text with student’s name, ID animated 1 4. Ability to re-play all advertisement 5


3/19/2018 6:17:01 AM

1. Text animation: (from top/bottom, from side, diagonally); colour changes; size changes 6 2. Link to the advertised web site 4 3. Text with student’s name, ID animated 1 Part 2 Create an advertisement HTML5 for existing flash advertisement : 4. Documentation ( storyboard) 8 5. Similar text animation 9


3/19/2018 6:16:53 AM

Marking Guide Marks will be allocated according to the following marking schedule: Item No. Item Marks Part 1 Advertisement for Tongariro National Park: 4. Documentation (storyboard) 8 5. Two times change appearance completely. (look like complete new “page”) 5 6. Two images as min should be included. You should have images animation: (move from side, from top, from middle) 6


3/19/2018 6:16:47 AM

Project 1 Check Point Missing check-point submission will be 20% deduction from the assignment mark: Item No. Item Marks 1. Part 1 Documentation (storyboard) 6 2. Part 2 Documentation (storyboard) 6 3. Part 3 Documentation Outline your Demo steps and write your explanation for each steps 8


3/19/2018 6:16:41 AM

In the first instance, the Student shall complete the approved form to apply for consideration of affected performance and submit the application to Student Central. Except in exceptional circumstances this must be no later than 5 working days after the due date of the Summative Assessment, and with appropriate documentary evidence of both the circumstances and the effect on performance. Except in exceptional circumstances appropriate documentary evidence such as a medical certificate must be dated within 24 hours or one working day of the due time of that Assessment item.


3/19/2018 6:16:33 AM

A copy of your submission will be kept by Department of Computing for future reference and audit purposes. a. The due dates of assessment work will be notified in course information. b. Assignments submitted after the due date and time without having received an extension through Special Assessment Circumstances (SAC) will be penalised according to the following: • 10% of marks deducted if submitted within 24hrs of the deadline • 20% of marks deducted if submitted after 24hrs and up to 48hrs of the deadline • 30% of marks deducted if submitted after 48hrs and up to 72hrs of the deadline • No grade will be awarded for an assignment that is submitted later than 72hrs after the deadline.


3/19/2018 6:16:19 AM

1. You web site is due by 8.30am on Thursday, 5. (storyboards should be attached to your homepage as links) 2. A softcopy of your web site must be uploaded on models using Project one submission link before the deadline. Please use a zip file, it should have a name project1_YourName_YourID 3. Your web site must uploaded on dochyper on Sunday, 8. 4. One page as a standard cover sheet softcopy should be presented in your zip folder as well (please download cover page from moodle). This page must include a signed declaration that “this submission is my own work, except where clearly referenced”.


3/19/2018 6:16:12 AM

Delivery Check point- You web site is due by 8.30am on Thursday, 15. 1. First storyboard for your Tongariro advertisement, 2. Second storyboard for existing advertisements according to your version. 3. Layout and manual in word document with all steps for demo planed and described 4. Homepage for your project 1 (index.html)


3/19/2018 6:15:50 AM

The project has three parts. All three parts should be presented as a website on your dochyper space in the project1 folder, and link to your existing homepage. Please don’t upload your solution files on dochyper before 8 (5 submission using Moodle Link only. Instruction for upload is on the Moodle):


3/19/2018 6:15:42 AM

I need to check point by Tuesday 20 , thats the main topic. Version 2 (Flight centre advertisement) This project should be completed as an individual work. Students are reminded to read all pages related to assessment rules including rules for dishonest work in the student handbook. You are allowed to seek advice from any source, but your written submission must be your own work, except where clearly referenced. Plagiarism will be reported to the Academic Leader who may award zero marks or refer the matter to the Faculty Discipline Committee.

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