Create an admin page

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13811119

We are going to create a page (or more) to allow administrators to modify the database content built in the previous weeks using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)/PHP interface. Build the following page or pages using PHP script:

  • Create an admin page that provides the following functionalities:

? Add a new book to the appropriate table that you created in the previous Express Book Shop project. Item should have data for each of the fields in your table.

? Delete an existing book from the appropriate table.

? Modify the name of an item in the appropriate table.

? If there is a field for price, modify the price of an item in the appropriate table.

In this assignment, you are going to work on getting the website to interact with both the user as well as the database to display the data on the screen. Work on the following points and submit a screen shot for every element together with your HTML/PHP code:

  • Link the first page to display contents (items) from the database. Make sure every item has an "add item" button or link to add the item to the shopping cart.
  • Link the admin page that allows administrators (only administrator) to add or remove items from the database using an HTML interface. This page is accessed only through a link that shows up in the navigation bar after the user logs in and only if the user is an admin.
  • Create a shopping cart that displays the added contents in a tabular format together with the total amount of purchased items.
  • Create a Purchase.php page that takes user information (name, address, credit card, items purchased) and stores the information in the database.
  • Create a Contact Us page that users can use to contact the site owner, and the page needs to e-mail the comments to the site owner.

Attachment:- book shop.rar

Reference no: EM13811119

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