Create an access database that keeping track of employees

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13778644

After working in the same job for five years, you've recently been promoted to manager of a department in your company (you decide the type of department and the business of the company). As such, you are responsible for ten employees and the entire department's function. At the request of your supervisor, you have to prepare the following items to summarize the departmental activities for the year

1. Create a worksheet in Excel named PAYROLLthat lists all employees by name (one per row) and their pay per month for each month of the last year. Be sure to include yourself as the Department Manager. Use formulas to total all rows and columns and create a grand total. In row 20, create a formulas to show the average, maximum, and minimum total salary paid for the year. Create a header that has the date prepared and your name; create a footer to include the word "Confidential". Create a bar or column chart of the employees' pay for one month. Save the file again with the same name.

2. Create a three-page report in Word following MLA stylenamed REPORTfor your boss, summarizing the activity of your department for the year. Use headings to help organize the information in the report. Be sure to include information about the state of technology in your department-whether you feel new computers are needed, what they are presently being used for, etc. Use bold, italics, underlining, and font sizes to enhance the appearance. Change the Theme to Apex.Since the report will take up more than one page, remember to include a header with your last name and the page number. Also create a footer with the text "Annual Report". Be sure to run spelling and grammar check on the document. Save the file again with the same name.

3. Create an Access database called EMPLOYEESthat will aid you in keeping track of your employees. You can decide field names but be sure to include at least eight fields, including one called TOTALPAY. Add a record for each employee to the file, including one for yourself. Be sure the columns are wide enough to fully display the data. Create a query called HIGHEST that lists the five highest paid employeesfirst and contains the employee names and their total pay for the year. Create a form for the table, and a report based on the query.

4. Your supervisor has told you next year will have a tighter budget. Create a powerpoint presentation with 5-10 slides that shows areas where you could save money in the budget or generate more income for your department. Be sure to include transitions and at least one graphic.

5. Your company's use of the internet is limited to email. Search the internet for businesses similar to your own. In Word, use a template to create a memo named INTERNETUSEto your boss suggesting ways to utilize the internet within your department. In the memo list the web addresses of three similar businesses for your boss to reference.

6. Submit all files to your instructor electronically using the Extra Credit Project drop box.

Reference no: EM13778644

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