create a Z schema that adequately describes the WTC system

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM131489122

Software Engineering Methodologies Assignment

Specification of a System - Wheat Truck Control System (WTC)


As a Software Engineering consultant, your task is to develop a formal specification in Z for the proposed system described below. You will present your work to show that your system does work and answer questions about the system specification your group has developed.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

  • Critically analyse and use complex decision making to research and determine the appropriate Software Engineering tools and methodologies to utilize in a given situation.
  • Apply professional communication skills to support and manage the engineering of a large software system.
  • Review, critically analyse and develop arte facts to define processes for quality assurance, risk management and communication in large software development projects.
  • Implement quality assurance activities in order to verify user requirements and validate design decisions.
  • Analysis of a large system development problem to decide upon the best methodological approach.
  • Development of appropriate artefacts to support and manage the software engineering process such as change control and configuration management.

Assessment Details

A new computerized system is to be developed for the storage and handling of accounts for wheat farmers and truck deliveries to Mahsroh Wheat Board silos. Detailed below are the major objects to be considered in the system: silos, ships, trucks and farmers. This system could be quite complicated. However, to simplify the system for this assignment we will be content to include the following in our proposed system:

  • Silos
  • Ships
  • Trucks
  • Date and Time

Requirements: Z Schema Operations

You are to create a Z schema that adequately describes the WTC system. It should include at least one state space and the following operations:

  • An initialization operation called Init.
  • An operation Enter_new_silo that an operator uses to enter the details of a new silo into the system. Assume the new silo is currently empty.
  • An operation Accept_delivery that an operator uses to signal the system to begin offloading x tonne of wheat from a truck. Note that the system must do a check to see if that storage capacity is available in the silo, if not then an error message must be output and no truck unloading done. Additional information needed by this routine is the truck registration and the farmer's name. If successful this operation stores all necessary details into the system for that delivery. If a truck is already unloading then this new truck will be placed in a queue waiting for its turn to unload.
  • An operation Leave_queue. This operation is run by the system operator each time there is a queue for a silo and the driver of a specified truck decides that the anticipated waiting time is too long and leaves the queue. The operation outputs to the operator the list of trucks in the queue after the specified truck is removed or if none in the queue a reasonable error message.
  • An operation Silo_account that outputs the total amount of wheat in tonnes delivered to a particular silo by ALL farmers in a specified time period (note that means between two global operations numbers in our simplified system). In other words between global operations 10000 and 10500 for example.
  • An operation Ships_total_account that outputs the total amount of wheat that a particular ship has taken from ALL silos in the total history of the system.
  • An operation Farmers_account that outputs the total amount of wheat delivered to ALL silos in between two specified global operation numbers (e.g. 10000 and 10500).

You should provide robust versions of each operation that are capable of handling any possible error conditions. For example, if the ship or truck is not correctly registered in the system an appropriate error message must be given.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM131489122

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Australian student, need it as per the guidelines. The submissions will be considered for presentation, conciseness and correctness (both logically and notationally). Versions of the operations that are developed using the Z Schema Calculus will be more highly considered than monolithic versions that account for all conditions within a single schema. The assignment must be submitted electronically through the Moodle assignment system in Microsoft Word document format, rtf format or as a pdf document. If you are unable to provide one of these formats please contact your lecturer/tutor by email prior to submission to ensure that they will be able to handle the alternative format. To alleviate any problems with fonts and symbols for the Z specification all students must use the Zed true type font that is available on Moodle. Note this zip file has both true type and Adobe Type Manager files for both Windows and Macintosh machines. Please make sure you use the true type font. The archive contains a Readme.txt file that explains how to install the font.

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