Reference no: EM132373967
Managing the Team Cluster
The Tasmanian Wilderness Lodge is an eco-resort located on the fringe of a major remote Tasmanian National Park. It caters for both day visitors to the Lodge and National Park as well as in-house guests. It offers a unique experience to people wishing to experience first¬hand the Tasmanian Wilderness.
In addition to accommodation and food and beverage services the resort also offers day tours ranging from small group sightseeing and interpretive tours into the park, to adventure experiences and bespoke tailor-made wilderness experiences. There are approximately 60 employees, most of whom live at the Lodge in company-owned staff accommodation quarters, however a small number travel to work each shift from nearby areas.
The staff employed are generally experienced in the industry or in their area of expertise but at times good quality staff are difficult to recruit. About 50% of the staff have stayed for more than three years; the rest stay for a shorter period or seasonal work only.
The company operating the resort is based interstate. Great freedom is given to local managers to operate and the company is interested in outcomes. Good information is available on the performances of each area of the operation and management encourages its staff to use their judgement and experience.
The company is very committed to a customer focus culture. Repeat business has always been a strong point of the company and they are starting to market more aggressively in the Chinese and Asian tourism markets. The lodge is also used as a base for the local Parks and Wildlife staff who have an information and service desk co-located in the day-visitor facility. In addition, the Lodge's facilities are used by external tour companies and day visitors, which are increasingly important to overall financial performance.
The part of the Lodge which is the focus of this assessment concerns the day visitor centre. This centre is a separate facility and has a bar, restaurant/cafe with seating for 50 people, tour desk, natural hot spring and spa, toilet facilities, and a combined eco-interpretation display and museum.
Part A Plan. Workflow
Step I Choosing either the tour component or lunch component of the visit, plan and organise workflow for a either the tour guide team or restaurant team that takes into account at least 6 of the following contingencies:
o delays and time difficulties
o difficult customer service situations
o equipment breakdown or technical failure
o financial resources
o staffing levels and skill profiles
o rostering requirements
o staff performance
o procedural requirements
o product development and marketing.
Step 2: Create a workflow plan for your selected area, operation or activity. Possible formats for your workflow plan include:
o Workflow chart
o Process map
o Gantt Chart
o Work schedule
o Function or event run sheet
o Any other type of workflow planning tool suitable for your selected area, operation or activity.
You may have a workplace or training environment template or format you wish to use or alternatively a range of appendices are available as sample documents on the student share drive to assist in the development of your workflow plan.
Part C: Complete a staff performance report
As part of the Human Resource Strategy for managing staff performance, The Tasmanian Wilderness Lodge supervisory staff are required to document regular appraisals of staff conduct and performance, and provide feedback to those staff. This data is held on the staff members personnel file and is then used to conduct a formal annual staff appraisal.
Assuming the role of Assistant Manage Jackijacinta, choose two staff members whom worked in either the tour component or the lunch component of the Tour Group visit.
Step 1: Complete a staff performance report for each of the two staff members you have chosen, making sure that the performance feedback you record is specific, timely and constructive.
Step 2: In response to the performance of the staff members you have observed, ensure you record on their performance report any training you feel would be beneficial for this staff member and why you feel it could be beneficial to the Lodge.
Exercise 2
The second priority for increasing work efficiency is by improving workflows. You must provide examples of workflows (a 'workflow' is a set of steps or processes: in these cases the workflow is a work-around of a problem) for a team operation or activity of your choosing that takes into account at least six of the following contingencies:
• Delays and time difficulties.
• Difficult customer service situations.
• Equipment breakdown or technical failure.
• Shortage of financial resources.
• Inappropriate skill profiles of team members.
• Problems with availability of staff/rostering problems.
• Poor staff performance within the team
• Lack of or unsuitable standard procedural requirements for the job or task.
• Need to undertake product development or marketing activities associated with operation or activity.
Criteria for success
The decision-making rules that will be followed are:
• Learners must complete all tasks and answer all questions in a way that demonstrates understanding of the key actions and requirements.
• All tasks and answers must be correct to achieve a satisfactory result.
Attachment:- Appendix A.rar