Create a window application form on visual basic

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131299848


Create a window application form on Visual basic 2012., that verifiers a customers personal identification number (PIN). A valid PIN is a seven-digit number that meets the follow specifications:

Digit 1: Must be in the range of 7 through 9

Digit 2: Must be in the range of 5 through 7

Digit 3: Must be in the range of 0 through 4

Digit 4: Must be in the range of 0 through 9

Digit 5: Must be in the range of 6 through 9

Digit 6: Must be in the range of 3 through 6

Digit 7: Must be in the range of 4 through 8

Notice that each digit must fall into rang of integers. Application must have two arrays: intMinimum and intMaximum. The intMinimum array should hold the minimum value for each digit position, and the intMaximum array should hold the maximum value for each digit position.

The application should allow the user to enter seven digits on the form. When the verify button is clicke, the application should use the intMinimum and intMaximum arrays to verify that the numbers fall into acceptable ranges.

The Form should have 7 txtbox, 1 button to Verify, 1 Clear button and an Exit button.

Reference no: EM131299848

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