Create a website plan

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13754775

1. Create and save a document named WebsitePlan.pdf

2. Use the document formatting outlined in the syllabus and create a heading called Website Plan

3. Using the same business that you have been using all semester for this project, create a website plan.

4. Create subheadings for the following topic areas followed by the appropriate text/content.
1. Site Description - Who/what is the business? What makes it different than its competitors? How can the site reflect the business' unique-ness? Be specific.
2. Target Audience - Just saying "for people that like ice-cream" is not enough description. Be very descriptive and narrow down your audience to a specific one. This is something that the client will be able to define, but for the purposes of including it, you will determine it for this project.
3. Site Goals - What are you going to accomplish with the site? How do the goals relate to the target audience? What will the user be able to do on the site?

4. Site Features - Describe the following
1. Video: What video features will your site include?
2. Image gallery: What image galley features will your site include?
3. Other features: List at least 2. Examples: Location maps, charts, search form, feedback form, etc.

5. Content Map - Here you will list and describe the actual pages you intend to have on your site. Include the page name and a description of the content, including media that will be found on each page.

6. Design Concept - Create the following.
1. Color schemes: Identify (monochromatic, complementary, etc.) and create 2 possible color schemes. (Create color swatches for these and insert them.)
2. Fonts: Include 3 examples of fonts you might use. (Either insert images of type or format the type.)
3. Images: Using a stock image site (not Google), include at least 10 good quality images that you think might work on the website. (Create a nice layout for these.) Include the urls for each of these.
4. Ideas: Include links to 3 sites that you think have good design ideas similar to what you want your site to be. For each website, provide the URL and state what the site has that you like. Do you like the layout, content, colors, interactivity or what?


1. Save all files to a folder using the naming convention outlined in the syllabus. Zip the folder and submit below.

2. Provide answers to the following questions in the comments section.
1. What did you learn?
2. How long did it take?
3. Did you have any problems?
4. Do you have any questions?

Reference no: EM13754775

Questions Cloud

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Identify types of data collected-quantitative : Describe the instrument used for data collection. Identify types of data collected-quantitative, qualitative, or both-and how the data is collected. Identify the level of measurement for each of the variables involved in the study.
Create a website plan : Using the same business that you have been using all semester for this project, create a website plan.
Possible verbal and nonverbal communication barriers : Briefly outline the global market situation that is creating conflict and requires negotiation that will lead to decision making - Identify four possible verbal and nonverbal communication barriers.
What innovations had the biggest impact on civilization : What innovations or invention (technology) had the biggest impact on civilization throughout history, and why? Think broadly and reflect on technologies that we cannot live without.
Why are ups and fedex opposed to the usps rate cuts : The USPS is aggressively slashing prices for its biggest e-commerce companies in time for the holidays. The Wall Street Journal reports that the steepest price cuts will directly benefit consumers. In your opinion, is it true or false, and why?
Problem related to the cash flow from assets : At the end of the year, net fixed assets were $13,900, current assets were $9,200, and current liabilities were $7,400. The tax rate for 2010 was 34 percent. What is the cash flow from assets for 2010?


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