Create a webpage that contains a table with five columns

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13757211

Create a webpage that contains a table with five columns and four rows.

The first row will contain a heading that spans across all columns. This heading asks the user to click on an image to enlarge.

The second row will contain five images. Use the thumbnail images from your previous lab.

The third row will contain one cell that spans all columns, that contains an image of you that is 750px by 750px. (Specify the size in the element) (In part b, this image will be replaced when the user clicks on a thumbnail image from row two.)

The forth row will contain one cell that spans all columns. It contains a heading that contains your name. (This field will change in part b, every time a new image is loaded.)

You will find it helpful to assign id's to your tr/th elements as well as your image tags. It will save you work in part b.

Apply Style to your table. Make it appealing and professional looking.

Part b (lab11bxx.html) Using JavaScript to open an image in the same document

Read the entire problem and before you start.

Save lab11axx.html as lab11bxx.html.

Use Firefox

Write the JavaScript code so that each thumbnail image in the table opens the larger original image (from your thumbnails lab) in the cell in row three of the table when the thumbnail is clicked.

E.g., clicking on babbage_thumb.png should cause babbage.png to open in the third row of the table as a 750px by 750px image replacing the image that was previously there.

When the picture loads also change the text in the last row to text that describes the image.

Reference no: EM13757211

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