Create a web page that displays the default information

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131320596

Assignment: Introduction to Web Development

When you see "Richard Ricardo" in the example screen captures, change it to <your name>.

If you do not put <your name> / <your first name> in the above mentioned fields, you will get 0 points for the question(s).

No two students should submit webpages with exactly the same code, or same content, or same layout, or same color combination. If found, both students will get 0 points.

Create a folder on your hard disk, name the folder lastname_firstname_assignment5. Save all the files from this assignment in this folder.

Create the following subfolders (in the folder lastname_firstname_assignment4): q1, q2, q3, q4.

As a result, you should have the following folder (directory) structure for this assignment:

- lastname_firstname_assignment5\q1\
- lastname_firstname_assignment5\q2\
- lastname_firstname_assignment5\q3\
- lastname_firstname_assignment5\q4\

Use website to help debugging JavaScript. It will make your debugging process easier. All html (JavaScript) files must pass JavaScript validation at this website without any error, without any warning (-2 points for each error, each warning).

Question 1 - JavaScript

- Save question 1 files in subfolder "lastname_firstname_assignment5\q1\".
- Create a web page that displays the default information.
- The initial page and related outputs should look like the examples shown below.
- Create your page using "<your name>'s Kung Fu Panda Po Count Down / Count Up" as the page title.

Save the page as index.htm. Remember to document the html file with html comments.

- Allow the user to click on one of the four buttons.

o Use for loop to achieve button 1's effects
o Use while loop to achieve button 2's effects
o Use for loop to achieve button 3's effects
o Use while loop to achieve button 4's effects

- Create a css file named style.css

to format index.htm by creating your own layout (no two students should have the same layout). Use css comments to document the css program. You can use the same (or similar) css file(s) to format all questions.

Question 2 - JavaScript

- Save question 2 files in subfolder "lastname_firstname_assignment5\q2\".
- Create a web page that displays the default information.
- The initial page and related outputs should look like the examples shown below.
- Create your page using "<your name>'s Kung Fu Panda Po Secret Scroll" as the page title. Save the page as index.htm. Remember to document the html file with html comments.
- Write a program that asks the user for Po's secret word.

o The secret word must have exactly nine characters and may not include spaces.
o All other keyboard characters are allowed.
o A loop (while or do...while) should prompt the user to re-enter another secret word until both these conditions are met.

- Create a css file named style.css to format index.htm by creating your own layout (no two students should have the same layout). Use css comments to document the css program.

Example: Initial Page

Question 3 - JavaScript

- Save question 3 files in subfolder "lastname_firstname_assignment5\q3\".
- Create a web page that displays the default information.
- The initial page and related outputs should look like the examples shown below.
- Create your page using "<your name>'s Kung Fu Panda Po Training Log" as the page title. Save the page as index.htm. Remember to document the html file with html comments.
- Write a program that allows the user to enter Po's training hours for each month.

o The user should be allowed to enter as many data set as desired (You must use do...while loop).
o The output should look like the example output shown.
o The program should also calculate Po's total training hours.

- Create a css file named style.css to format index.htm by creating your own layout (no two students should  have the same layout). Use css comments to document the css program.

Question 4 - JavaScript

- Save question 4 files in subfolder "lastname_firstname_assignment5\q4\".
- Create a web page that displays the default information.
- The initial page and related outputs should look like the examples shown below.
- Create your page using "<your name>'s Kung Fu Panda Po Sequence" as the page title. Save the page as index.htm. Remember to document the html file with html comments.
- Allow the user to click on one of the four buttons.

o You can (must) choose to use for loop, while loop or do..while loop.
o The sequences generated and the output should look like the example output shown.

- Create a css file named style.css to format index.htm by creating your own layout (no two students should have the same layout). Use css comments to document the css program. You can use the same (or similar) css file(s) to format all questions.


1. If you do not put <your name> / <your first name> in the above mentioned fields (as shown in the examples), you will get 0 points for the question(s).

2. No two students should submit webpages with exactly the same code, or same content, or same layout, or same color combination. If found, both students will get 0 points.

3. All html files must pass html validation at without any error (and with only 1 warning). Use the validator's "File Upload" tab to check each file.

4. All css files must pass css validation at without any error.

5. All html(JavaScript) files must pass JavaScript validation at

without any error, without any warning.

6. If your html file contains any css component, your html file must pass both html validation (3 above), and css validation (4 above) without any error.

7. If your files do not pass the validations, 2 points will be deducted for each error (and each JavaScript warning) found.

8. Document (comment) your html files (<!-- -->), css files (/* */), and JavaScript files (/* */).

Reference no: EM131320596

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