Create a web page and an external style sheet

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Reference no: EM131215884

Lab : Creating Schedules

Problem: You want to create a Web page and an external style sheet that lists your piano practice and volunteer schedule, similar to the one shown in Figure 4-49. The Web page will use a table with images that span several rows and columns to organize the information.

Instructions: Perform the following steps:

1. Start a new HTML file with the title Lab 4-3 in the main heading section.

2. In the Web page, create a bordered table that displays in 90% of the browser, as shown in Figure 4-49.

3. Insert an inline style into the <table> tag that assigns the border a color of #194270, a border width of 20 pixels, and a border style of groove. Give the table a rounded-edge look by using the border-radius property (see Appendix D). The radius should be 25 pixels.

4. Include the headings and data cells as shown, with valid information (i.e., real days and times as per a normal schedule of activities) in the data cells. The main headings (Piano Practice Schedule and Kid Camp Schedule) should be center-aligned across three columns and have a line height of 30 pixels. The data, other than the main headings, will have an indent of 10 pixels when the style sheet is coded and attached.

5. Add two images, piano.png and kids.png, with all appropriate image attributes, each spanning five rows.

6. The external style sheet should contain the following styles and be saved as Iab4-3styles.css:

body { font-fa mily: Arial, Vcrdana, Gara mond; font-size: 11 pt;}

th.subtitle {text-align: left; text-indent: 10px;}

td (text-indent: 10px;)

(Hint: The <th> element aligns text left. Where would you use that class named subtitle?)

7. Link lab4-3styles.css to the HTML file, and save the HTML file as lab4-3solution.html.

8. Validate the HTML and CSS files using the W3C validator services.

9. Print the HTML and CSS files.

10. Print the Web page from your browser.

11. Submit the HTML file, .css file, and Web page in the format specified by your instructor.

Reference no: EM131215884

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