Create a web-based solution for Kidz-Apps

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131846103 , Length: word count:2500

Assignment -

Scenario - You have been recruited to create a web-based solution for Kidz-Apps. This is a new company which creates products and apps for children based on educational or healthy eating topics. The company has asked you to create a web-based solution which includes the ability to record customer enquiries and online orders that are placed through the website and you are asked to include a backend database to interact with the website. The web-based solution needs to integrate multimedia techniques, web services and e-marketing techniques.

Activity 1 - The owner of Kidz-Apps does not really understand or appreciate the complexities associated with the differences between server side and client side technologies. He has asked you to a meeting and some of his senior colleagues will also be present. Create a presentation for the meeting entitled "Client side or Server side technologies. The presentation should include:

  • a critical comparison of the differences between client side and server side technologies
  • an evaluation of the different dynamic and interactive web applications

Activity 2 - Now that the owner and his senior staff have a good understanding of client side and server side technologies he has asked you to investigate different web services and e-marketing techniques that can be incorporated into the web-based solution.

Produce a document which evaluates the different web services that could be used to meet the client brief and the different e-marketing techniques to promote the business online. You should also identify multimedia techniques that would enhance the web-based solution and create success criteria which you can reflect on at the end of the project. In the document you should also critically review legal, ethical and social issues related to e-marketing.

Activity 3 - The owner is impressed with your ideas for the use of web services and e-marketing techniques and he has now asked you to create a web-based solution for him. You will need to construct and then implement a web-based solution which integrates e-marketing techniques, multimedia techniques and web services alongside a backend database.

Activity 4 - The web-based solution is complete and you intend to do an evaluation of the product prior to handing it over to the owner. Produce an evaluation report which:

  • identifies the success criteria you will use in the evaluation which have been agreed with the owner
  • includes an evaluation of client side and server side technologies that you have implemented and show how these match the agreed success criteria.
  • justifies the e-marketing techniques and web-based solutions you have chosen.
  • proposes improvements to the web-based solution.

Activity number 1 - Suggested evidence

The learner must produce a presentation which critically compares client side and server side technologies and support their presentation with examples of how and where the different technologies will be used.

The learner must include in their presentation an evaluation of the different dynamic and interactive web applications that could be used, for example web site development, database design, three-tiered architecture and interface design. The learner should include the latest innovations in this area.

Speaker notes should be used to develop points presented and ensure the necessary critical comparison and evaluation are completed.

Activity number 2 - Suggested evidence

The learner will produce a document which evaluates the different web services that could be used to provide the web-based solution, making judgements on strengths and weaknesses of the different options. The learner should identify a number of different web services that could be used and look at the technologies behind them e.g. WSDL, SOAP, RDF and XML.

The learner will investigate different e-marketing techniques that could be used to promote the business online. The learner will then critically evaluate which e-marketing techniques will be the most appropriate for a small business identifying the benefits and drawbacks of the different techniques.

The learner will include in their document a critical review of the legal, ethical and social issues that are related to e-marking. The review should be comprehensive and demonstrate the learner's understanding of the application of e-marketing techniques for on-line businesses.

Activity number 3 - Suggested evidence

The learner will construct a web-based solution using their ideas and work completed in earlier activities. The learner will incorporate web services, e-marketing techniques, multimedia techniques in their web-based solution. The web-based solution will consist of a number of pages and at least one of the pages should interact with a backend database. Advanced web techniques should be demonstrated in the completed web-based solution and the final product should be uploaded and hosted and the link made available for assessment purposes. The web-based solution should incorporate accessibility and usability considerations. Ideally the website will be supported with written evidence showing the different techniques that have been incorporated into the web-based solution.

Activity number 4 - Suggested evidence

The learner will produce an evaluation report which clearly identifies the criteria which are used as the basis for the evaluation. The criteria must have been agreed with the owner and this should be stated and an appropriate signature provided. The criteria should be directly related to the client brief and the review must be directly related to the stated criteria. The learner will justify the e-marketing SEO techniques they have chosen for their web-based solution and explain the benefit of these techniques to the business. As a result of their review the learner will propose improvements to their web-based solution.

Reference no: EM131846103

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2/2/2018 11:51:08 PM

Word/Page Count: 2500 and Formatting & Referencing: Harvard. Please check and confirm the assignment. Here is the question. Please add content page of assignment in front of the assignment page. Assessment Guidance - To achieve this unit, learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for this unit. Additional guidance is provided on the ATHE sample assignment brief. Learners will create a web-based solution to solve a business problem, integrating e-marketing, multimedia and web based services, alongside a backend database. For this unit the assessor will need to act as the owner of Kidz-Apps.

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