Create a web application test plan for web-based business

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Reference no: EM13784971

Create a Web application test plan based on a real-life scenario involving a Web-based business which processes credit card information

Assume that you are the network administrator for Online Goodies, an Internet-based company that provides custom promotional gifts, such as T-shirts, mugs, computer accessories, and office décor items to its corporate customers. Online Goodies is an e-commerce site that receives most of its income from online credit card purchases. Repeat customers receive discounts based on the amount of their total annual purchases.

In your Lab Report file, create atest plan that conforms to the OWASP standards and includes the following elements. You will be responsible for determining what to document in this report.

Executive Summary

Table of Contents

Overview of the tests you would perform

Rationale for including each test

Reference no: EM13784971

Questions Cloud

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