Create a vs 2008 asp .net web site with a masterpage

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949190

Create a Visual Studio 2008 ASP .NET Web Site with a MasterPage and three ContentPage Web Forms, using the attached database.

The MasterPage will display a company name selected by you. Add server controls to the MasterPage that allow the user to navigate between the Web Forms in the Web site.

The first ContentPage must be named start.aspx. The application must be configured so that start.aspx is displayed when the user begins a Session with the Application. To accomplish this, a global application file (Global.asax) should be added to the Web Site and the Session_Start procedure should be programmed to redirect the user to start.aspx.

Place three TextBox server controls on start.aspx that allow the user to input Name, Major and Email data. Place a RegularExpressionValidator control on the Web Form that displays an error message if the user does not enter a properly formatted email address. When the user navigates away from start.aspx the data entered in the TextBox server controls must be saved to Session variables.

The second ContentPage allows the user to view and edit the data in the database. Place a GridView server control on the Web Form and connect it to the database. Configure the GridView server control so the user is able to select a record. Place a DetailsView server control on the Web Form and connect it to the database. Configure the DetailsView server control to display the record that was selected by the user in the GridView server control. Configure the DetailsView server control to allow the user to edit the record and save the changes to the database. When changes are saved to the database, the GridView server control should update to reflect the changes made using the DetailsView server control.

The third ContentPage allows the user to view records in the database and add a record to the database. Place a FormView server control on the Web Form and connect it to the database. Configure the FormView server control to insert a new record in the database with a "New" button. When the user clicks the "New" button, the fields of the FormView server control will populate with the data stored in the Session variables. The fields of the FormView server control should be ReadOnly so that the user can not modify the data. When the user saves the data to the database the data in the Session variables should be saved to the database.


Reference no: EM13949190

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