Create a visualization that shows the proportion

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Reference no: EM133734681

1. Build the data tables by importing the data from the Assignment 3 Excel spreadsheet by dragging the sheets into top pane and linking the sheets as follows:
a. Create a center joint between Sup ID in Suppliers and Sup ID in Product.
b. Create a center joint between Prod ID in Products and Prod ID in Orders
c. Create a center joint between Cust ID in Customers and Cust ID in Orders.

2. Add the calculated fields (15 points)
a. Gross Revenue by multiplying Qty from Orders by List Price from Products
b. Cost by multiplying Qty from Orders by Unit Cost from Products, and
c. Net Revenue by subtracting Cost from Gross Revenue.

3. Create a visualization, that shows the Gross Revenue, Cost and Net Revenue by geographical area. I should be able to drill down to get the information by country and by supplier in that country. Give the sheet with the visualization a meaningful name and title.

4. Create a visualization that shows the proportion of Net Revenue generated by each supplier. Give the sheet with the visualization a meaningful name and title. Note: You can drag a field from within a hierarchy into the sheet.

5. Create a visualization that shows, for each product, the average Qty in an order and the average Net Revenue of an order. The visualization should be dual axis.

6. Create a visualization that shows, in a single chart and by Order Month and Year, average cost, average gross revenue, and average net revenue. I should be able to change the chart by Product Name. Use a filter, rather than a parameter.

7. Create a simple pages animated visualization that shows Cost, NetRevenue and Gross Revenue. Use OrderDate as the basis for the animation but make sure the animation shows the figures by Month and Year.

Reference no: EM133734681

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