Create a visual representation of important aspect of topic

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133655270


Research a topic of their choice relating to contemporary science. The student will write a short summary of the topic, provide a list of references in advance, create a visual representation, and submit a draft of the paper for feedback, and finally write a paper of 6 to 10 pages in length.

Scientists must communicate their findings to the public in a different way than they communicate to other scientists. For this problem, you will create a visual representation of the most important aspect of your topic. The visual representation can be a PowerPoint, a poster, a video, or another creative way of getting your message presented.

Reference no: EM133655270

Questions Cloud

Has anything been done to reduce the risk : Discuss sites in Newfoundland and Labrador that might be susceptible to flooding. What are the causes? Has anything been done to reduce the risk?
About this gas extraction method : What is the controversy surrounding fracking and what concerns do YOU have about this gas extraction method?
How to turn a group of strangers into a team : Watch the TED Talk by Amy Edmondson (2017) "How to Turn a Group of Strangers into a Team."
How did porter lee work change the focus of social work : How did Porter Lee's work change the focus of social work? It encouraged social workers to become cause advocates, focusing on broader social challenges.
Create a visual representation of important aspect of topic : SCI 2000- Create a visual representation of important aspect of your topic. The visual representation can PowerPoint, a poster a video, or another creative way.
Why is air pollution health threat : Why is air pollution a health threat? How is it measured? Why is global warming so controversial? What is causing it?
Are there items that appear to be traits and stereotypes : Which of these seem like class traits and which seem more like stereotypes? Are there items that appear to be traits and stereotypes.
Natural environment areas why is it important : write why it is important and identify one activity you could do with children to teach them about its importance. Natural environment areas Why is it important
Identify who will oppose the bill and who will be proponent : Identify who will oppose the bill and who will be a proponent. More or so what groups would be for this bill, what groups would be against, the bill and why?


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