Create a visual c++ project and evaluate it

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13938587

I have still problem with VisualStudio.Net C++ (2003)

I can't run almost all of program that already worked. when I do "copy" and "past"

These program, in Microsoft Visual Studio .Net C++(2003), all send same error:

f:Assignment-1stdafx.cpp(9): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'iostream.h': No such file or directory.

These programs worked befor in another computer (VisualStudio.Net C++ (2003))

I asked to your friends who help me for a assignment. She/he sent this program:

char xor(char a,char b)
if((a=='0' && b=='1') || (a=='1' && b=='0'))
return '1';
return '0';
void main()
int n,i=0;
char s[2][50];
cout<<"enter length-";cin>>n;
char *s1,*s2,*s_and,*s_or,*s_xor=new char[n];
cout<<"n Enter first bit string- ";cin>>s1;
cout<<"n Enter second bit string- ";cin>>s2;

cout<<s_or<<"(BITWISE OR)<<endl<<s_and<<"(BITWISE AND)"<<endl<<s_xor<<"(BITWISE XOR)";
But still I have same error.

I already asked question . He/she send this Email;

However, assuming you are having a problem with precompiled headers and you are not using any, try doing this. Go to

Project->properties->Configuration properties->Precompiled Headers-> Create/use precompiled headers to Not using precompiled headers

But still doesn't work

Would you do a favor for me? Would you create a Visual C++ project and put this program in the folder and than send for me.

And also display for me what is my problem.


Reference no: EM13938587

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