Reference no: EM131447859
Questions: 1. Create a Vision Statement for the project so that the client is able to understand the project and its outcomes.
2. Detailed project requirements for the client that is clear and consistent outlying the issues the project is aiming to resolve.
3. List project management tools and techniques that will be used in the project.
4. A detailed project management plan showing the following:
a. Project Overview
i. Purpose, Scope and Objectives
ii. Assumptions, Constraints and Risks
iii. Project Deliverables
iv. Schedule and Budget Summary
v. Evolution of the Plan
vi. Definitions and Acronyms
b. Project Organisation
i. External interfaces
ii. Internal structure
iii. Role and responsibilities
c. Project Management Process Plans
i. Project Initiation
1. Project Charter
2. Initial Project Scope
ii. Project Planning
1. Initial Project Estimates
2. Initial Project Team Staffing
3. Resource Acquisition
4. Project Staff Training
iii. Project Execution
1. Work breakdown schedule
2. Project Schedule and Time Management
3. Resource Allocation
4. Project Human Resource Management
5. Project Procurement Management & Budget Allocation
iv. Project Monitoring & Control
1. Requirements Management
2. Project Scope and Schedule Management
3. Project Budget and Cost Management
4. Project Quality Management considering energy conservation
5. Project Communications Plan
6. Project Performance Management
7. Project Risk Management
8. Project Change Management
9. Project Issue Management
v. Project Closure
d. Project-Specific Process Plans
i. Project Specific Processes
ii. Method, Tools and Techniques
iii. Infrastructure
iv. Project and Work Product Acceptance against quality control metrics
e. Project-Supporting Process Plans
i. Configuration Management
ii. Verification and Validation
iii. Documentation
iv. Work Product Quality Assurance
v. Project Reviews and Audits
vi. Problem Resolution
vii. Subcontractor Management
f. Additional Plans
i. Conflict Resolution
g. Project Plan Sign Off
5. A detailed project budget layout on a spreadsheet
6. A Detailed Plan and a Report on how systems administration/support will be performed when the project hardware and software are fully operational. Also including formal practices, such as total quality management or continuous improvement of the computer system, improvement by less formal processes which enhance both the product quality and processes of the project, for example client surveys to determine client satisfaction with project team performance.
7. A ‘lessons learned' report with answers for a series of questions about the project.
The information of above question is enclosed below:
Attachment:- Task.rar