Create a video of you discussing perceiving emotions

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Reference no: EM133483908

Assignment: Guiding Preschool Behavior Project

Create a 5 to 7 minute video of you discussing four specific topics:

1. Perceiving emotions
2. Expressing emotions
3. Regulating emotions
4. Guiding children's learning about emotions and social development-SEL

Video Presentation:

1. Sign up for a free account for Slide Presenter

2. To familiarize yourself with this program, watch the tutorial

3. Upload your video to YouTube and share the link with your instructor and post the link in the classroom forum by Day 5 of this week so that your peers have the opportunity to observe your video.

4. You may choose to record yourself talking about each of the three topics OR you may create an informational video.

Reference no: EM133483908

Questions Cloud

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Does the law require you to respond in disaster situations : Does the law require you to respond in disaster situations? - Do RNs have a contractual responsibility to respond in disaster situations?
What are the key ethical principles to be considered : How would the scenario relate to the code of ethics in public health? - Compare and contrast the model of medical practice between the U.S.
Create a video of you discussing perceiving emotions : Create a 5 to 7 minute video of you discussing four specific topics: Perceiving emotions, Expressing emotions and Regulating emotions.
Explain how you would approach a health education program : Explain how you would approach a health education program for the cultural group you have written about for your SLP. Support your choices with scholarly
Makes shopping carts for supermarkets and other stores : Makes shopping carts for supermarkets and other stores recently purchased some new equipment that reduces the labor content of the jobs
How would you apply the global supply chain assessment model : Select a country of interest. How would you apply the Global Supply Chain Assessment Model to design and operate a supply chain in the country?
How key biostatistical calculations and methods support : What are the findings of each article and what implications do they have individually and collectively for solving the health problem in question?


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