Reference no: EM132178254
Visual Basic Help
Create a VB windows desktop application to make online tests. This application will be catering to an instructor interested in making online tests. That means it is used to create a test but not to deploy tests.
Types of questions: Multiple choice (MC), and True and False (TF). Fill in (a) blank (FIB), Short answer/ Essay (SA)
General Specifications:
1. Ask user for username
2. Ask user for a test name
3. Create a new text file named userName_testName.txt
Make sure that you use some unique combination of user and test name.
4. For every question there must be a question box and a feedback box . The latter can be used for providing optional feedback for the test taker. Both must allow multiple lines of text.
5. You must have a SAVE button for saving the question and answers. Saving will make changes to the text file and save the questions and options/answers to the text file.
6. Reset button allows the user to reset the question and answers.
7. Allow instructor (user) to choose between MC, TF, FIB, SA. You can use a MENUSTRIP for this. Display a BLANK FORM with just a menustrip option before the choice between MC or TF is made (make all go invisible).
After the question type is chosen, display only part of form related to the choice along with MENUSTRIP. So if MC is chosen, do not display the TF, FIB or SA parts.
Allow teacher to enter up to as many ANSWER choices as desired. Each answer can be only one word long. The possible answers can be entered in a text-box.
Each possible answer for MC must have a checkbox following it to indicate answer choice.
Answers must be exactly one word long . Display a message to indicate that the answers are longer than a word and needed to be fixed.
Application needs to ensure that same answer is not being entered in more than one text box.
Force the application to check at least one answer has been marked as the correct choice in MC
Force the application to provide at least 2 choices in MC
If the user choses TF question, it must be allowed to choose only one correct answer, either true or false.
On pressing SAVE button you must check that it has been indicated if question statement is a TRUE or a FALSE.
Only one blank is required. Allowing user to provide more than one blank is optional.
Ensure that the user provides the correct answer to the blank.
The answer must be exactly one word long.
Allow user to provide key words for correct answer/s
If code could be provided for this project it would be appreciated.