Create a variable named name by assigning your name

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM131383164

Biomedical Engineers Assignment

In this assignment you are asked to get familiar with matlab command window and create a user profile, student info and some basic matlab calculations. At the end of the assignment you are required to email or upload the data containing mat file google drive I shared.

1- First of all clear the workspace and command history by using clear and clc commands

2- Create a variable named ‘Name' by assigning your name

3- Create a variable named ‘Surname' by setting your surname properly

4- Create a variable of scalar named ‘Cnumber' by assigning your number

5- Create an array named ‘myCnumArr' to set your C number digits to each element properly

6- Create a range of ‘CnumLast4digits' for the last 4 digits of your c number.

7- Create another array named ‘myCnumlast4digits' to contain last 4 elemets for your Cnumber's last 4 digits

8- Create a scalar named myGrade and set it to sum of your Cnumber last4 digits using sum() function and myCnumlast4digits array you created in the previous step as the argument.

9- Create a scalar named maxCnum, minCnum,meanCnum and set them to contain max,min,mean of your Cnumber digits, by using, max(), min(),mean() functions.

10- Save the workspace as .mat named as your Cnumber.

11- Copy the command history commands you used in a text file or word file named your Cnumber.

Reference no: EM131383164

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MATLAB Programming Questions & Answers

  Finite difference method

Use the finite difference method to calculate the temperature at the point specified since it is easier.

  Determine the necessary shell temperature

In a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, one fluid passes through a central tube while another fluid flows through an outer shell in the opposite direction. The purpose is to heat the fluid passing through the central tube.

  Find the integral of a function at an arbitrary location

Write a Matlab function to perform numerical integration of a set of evenly spaced data points using the trapezoidal rule

  Compute the speed of single-stage planetary gear train

Write a MATLAB function [speed] = planetary (N, emesh, first, last, arm) that computes the speed of a given link in a single-stage planetary gear train.

  Calculate and plot the error in the numerical derivative

Write a program to calculate and plot the error in the numerical estimate of the derivative.

  Create the graph using matlab functions

Create the graph, which contains a piecewise function where a line exists in the first interval, a parabola in the second interval, and the sine function in the third interval.

  Develop a simulation program

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  Create a vector in matlab

Create a three dimensional diagram of function.

  Open a named pipe and to read data from the pipe

Open a named pipe and to read data from the pipe in matlab

  Write the commands that will create the matrix

Write the commands that will create the matrix.

  Lagrange interpolating polynomial of degree

Lagrange interpolating polynomial of degree

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