Reference no: EM133810783
I am working on a paper. I need to Create a utopian society. I have targeted questions I am struggling to answer. Explanations would help.
By utopian, I mean an ideal, sustainable, healthy, even inspiring society, based on positive values, virtues, and outcomes. It needs to be achievable, even if it requires very dramatic changes.
I am struggling to draft my paper answering these few questions to consider. How will this utopia be different from what we have now? How will it function? How will power be distributed? On what principles will it be based? What will be the role of rights, justice, and culture? In what ways will it include its citizens? Why won't your society be doomed to failure? What kind of economy is best suited for the society to flourish? How involved in the personal lives its people will the government be? What are the standards by which you will know that the utopia is successful?
I have to First, describe this utopia. Address all the questions you anticipate any critical thinker would ask. Also, this paper should be written with an understanding of the principles of political science we have been exploring this term. So, specifically reference the work and ideas of at least one of the following: Haidt, Brooks, Saltz, Shalot, Dunning, Pinker, Bremmer, Dawkins, Grant.
ALSO, specifically reference the work and ideas of at least one of the following: Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Mill, and Marx.
ALSO, specifically reference the work and ideas of at least Rawls or Nozick.