Create a uml use case diagram and use case

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM132671411

Problem statement:

The Beauty Pet Solon needs a software system that is able to record bookings, pet arrivals, and manage the appointments. The system should also help the user to register order requests and send them to the All You Need for Your Per store.

Each pet is registered with one of several pet sitters of the Salon. Each pet has a record stored on the system, holding their name, details of the owner (contact information), and a list of all appointments, past and booked. Some treatments may also be prescribed (the use of special shampoo, for example) and will be listed in the pet record too.

There is only one secretary on duty in the salon at a time. Pet owners call or speak to the secretary to arrange an appointment with a pet sitter. When requesting a new appointment, the pet owner will describe the required service (bath, massage, hair comb, hair trim, etc.) which are then listed and stored with the appointment information.

The secretary will then arrange an appointment date/time that is convenient to the pet sitter and inform the owner of the pet.

An owner may change the date/time of the appointment, if a slot with the relevant pet sitter is available. An owner may cancel an appointment, fail to attend, or attend the appointment.

On attending an appointment, the owner's pet will first be checked in, then will be seen by the pet sitter, before, finally, the appointment is finished. After the appointment, the pet sitter may make some notes to be added to the pet's record and/or they may amend the current list of products that are needed.

The shopkeeper at the All You Need for Your Pet store will need to retrieve the current list of products from each pet's record.

After each month, the Beauty Pet Solon must print a report of how many appointments each pet sitter has taken, how many appointments were attended, missed or cancelled, and how many products were ordered.

Use Visual Paradigm Enterprise to implement the work for the above problem and must include the following:

Your tasks

Create a UML Use Case Diagram and Use Case descriptions for all the use cases of the system
- The diagram contains all the possible actors involved in the system
- The diagram contains all the uses cases necessary for the functionality of the system and the relations among actors and use cases ore correct
- All the use case description tables ore provided

Create a UML Class Diagram of the system
-The diagram contains oll the classes necessary
-The relations among classes, cordinolities, type of associations ore correct and follow the UML logic
-Design patterns (e.g., MVC) are used in the design

Create (at least) three UML Sequence Diagrams which describe (at least) three Use Cases
-The diagram contains all the participants involved in the sequence
-The message exchange sequence among participant is logical and correct
-A sequence diagram involving a design pattern is provided

Reference no: EM132671411

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