Create a two dimensional array

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132091569

Part I

Declare a one dimensional associative array that has at least 8 key/element pairs.

Print out the array in table form.

Print out the sorted array in table form.

Unset the second element in the sorted array.

Print out the reverse sorted array in table form.

Print out the array sorted by KEY value in table form.

Part II

Create a two dimensional array (the second dimension should be associative, with keys Name, Karma, and LastLogin, the first can be indexed (1-4). Or you can have both dimensions be associative) that contains the following information about users of your website:



Karma Score

Last Login

















Print out the array sorted by user-id

Print out the array sorted by Login (use the strtotime() function)

Print out only users who have Karma score > 10, sorted by Karma score in descending order.

Add a form to your php file that has a user put in a name and id, with the method post. If the name exists, add 5 to the karma score. If the name does not, add an element to the array with karma score of 1, and today's date (use the date function). Print out the new array.

Reference no: EM132091569

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