Create a training manual that introduces purpose of qi plan

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM131034766

QI Plan Training manual

Imagine your supervisor has asked you to develop a training manual for a QI plan.

Create a four part training manual that introduces the purpose of a QI plan and its components for new staff members.

Include the following in your training manual:

Part A: QI Plan

Identify what is a QI plan and its purpose.
Identify the components of a QI plan.
Identify the appropriate situation to use a QI plan.

Part B: Data Collection

Identify data collection tools.
Identify data display, measurement, and reporting tools.
Identify improvement methodologies.

Part C: Resources

Identify additional resources that can be used when preparing a QI plan.

Part D: Best Practices

Identify best practices and strategies for using QI plans.

Format: The training manual-including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page- is formatted according to APA guidelines and meets requirements.

Reference no: EM131034766

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