Reference no: EM133760653 , Length: Words Count:300
You learned that workplace discrimination-whether based on race, gender, age, or any other factor-creates a toxic environment that undermines productivity, innovation, and employee morale. Discrimination obstructs equal opportunities for growth and success, perpetuates systemic biases, and hinders the full potential of diverse talents. While learning about discrimination is crucial, actively participating in stopping it is equally vital. As you work to become an engaged advocate against discrimination, you will help foster an inclusive culture that celebrates differences, promotes creativity, and attracts a diverse pool of talent. This leads to a more robust and successful workplace. Advocacy is not merely about awareness; it is about taking a stand and implementing policies and practices that actively promote fairness, respect, and equal opportunities for all employees.
This assignment aims to deepen your understanding of workplace discrimination by exploring real-life examples and perspectives presented in your chosen video or article, contributing to a comprehensive examination of discrimination in various professional settings.
Assignment Details
For this assignment, you need to locate a brief YouTube video (less than 10 minutes) or a recent article (published within the past two years) that addresses a specific aspect of workplace discrimination.
Your chosen video or article must focus on one of the following discrimination-related topics:
- Gender
- Religious Beliefs
- Ageism
- Disability & Accessibility
- The Role of Human Resources in the Workplace
Essay Structure
Paragraph 1: Summarize the content of the video or article.
Paragraph 2: Explain how the video or article correlates with specific readings, videos, or lectures from our class. Use five (5) examples from the modules to illustrate the alignment between the video and the course content.
Paragraph 3: Evaluate whether the video or article is "good or relevant" for demonstrating the chosen issue. Discuss if it is problematic and, if so, how. Provide a link to the video or article for reference.
How to Earn Full Credit/Submission Details
- Ensure that the video or article highlights the challenges, experiences, or insights related to the selected discrimination theme.
- Answer all the questions thoroughly to receive full credit.
- Your essay must be a minimum of 300 words.
- You must cite your references
- Failure to cite your references may lead to you receiving a zero on the assignment.
- Your essay should be written in an essay format, not in bullet points.