Create a timeline of the impact of colonisation

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133735063

You are required to create a timeline of the impact of colonisation and the historical government policies and legislation on the health of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

Use your study guide and the Healing Foundation resources to create the timeline using the template provided below.

In your timeline you will need to include the following:

National and local historical factors that have affected the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

  • The impact of colonisation as experienced by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.
  • The name of the historical and current government policies and legislation and include the years the act or legislation was active.
  • The impact of historical and current government policies and legislation on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities, families and individuals
  • The impact of dilemmas about acknowledging or denying Aboriginality
  • The impact of historical and current government policies and legislation on systemic racism in the health system.
  • The impact of colonisation on the breakdown of social structures that support health.
  • Establishment and evolution of Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS) and Community Controlled Aboriginal Health Services and how these organisations have benefited community health service provision and community health.
  • Include present social, economic and environmental factors that affect Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health.

Reference no: EM133735063

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