Create a three-year organizational systems management plan

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131177720

Resource: Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Networking Virtual Organization, or, an organization you are familiar with that you can research to discover the cabling, network equipment and structure.

Create a 3-year organizational systems management plan incorporating current trends and security concerns.

Include the following:

• Strategic goals that the 3-year plan must support or align to
• An ability for the organization to upgrade its network transmission speed or bandwidth during the 3-year plan and beyond
• Change management plan
• Replacement schedule for networking and computing devices
• Configuration management processes
• Network and application software upgrades and replacement
• Contingency planning when unforeseen future hardware, software, and networking technology or processes that may be disruptive must be procured for the organization to remain competitive
• Upgrades to network and application security, if appropriate, to include any missing network devices that provide security over several layers of the OSI model
• Upgrades to wireless technology if appropriate
• Upgrades or procurement of specific network components that will enhance transmission speed, accuracy, or availability, based on an analysis of the network Priority list of the items that must be procured or require funding so that the budget execution authority can cost and plan for procurement.

Reference no: EM131177720

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