Reference no: EM13541747
WebGL and Javascript make a three dimensional game where:-
1. Player can take one of 6 positions on the axes intersecting a volume with faces orthogonal to axes.
2. Need an interaction for player so player can jump from one allowed location to another.
3. The target is now a sphere that bounces inside the volume of play.
4. Player shoots along coordinate axis and towards origin.
5. Walls of play volume move depending on the hit or miss in a similar way to edges moving.
6. Lighting is used. Use GUI control to enable or disable lighting.
7. Player view of the play volume is a perspective projection.
8. Sphere for target should have some distinguishing surface feature and spheres should be rotating.
9. Edges of play volume should be 3D cylinders (that interact with lighting)
10. Player can change look at direction and aim at the moving target.