Create a thesis statement based on similarities

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131018697

Comparative Essay Draft

Topic: Talking vs. Texting

Write a 750-1000 word essay about a pair of items in which the similarities and differences of those items are compared and contrasted in the style described within Unit III. Please note that the Comparative Essay Final will be due in Unit IV of this course. However, you should complete the entire paper in this draft and do your best work, as you will have more applicable feedback from which to make changes to your essay for the final draft.

Purpose: Throughout Unit III, we have discussed the conventions of the comparative essay. The purpose of this assignment is to measure your mastery of those conventions by putting your knowledge into practice. In a larger context, the purpose of writing a comparative essay is to gain the skills of detecting similarities and differences between at least two items and then using those similarities and differences to create knowledge about either one or both of the items. In this way, the comparative essay is both a tool of observation and analysis.

Process: For the comparative essay, you will complete the following steps:

1. Choose a pair of topics that complement one another: See the suggested list of topics in the "Comparative Essay Topics Handout" below in the supplemental documents portion of these instructions.

2. Create a list of similarities and differences: See Unit III, Lesson 2, for more instruction about how to create a list.

3. Create a thesis statement based on similarities, differences, or both similarities and differences: See Unit III, Lesson 3, for more information about how to create a thesis statement.

4. Choose whether to organize your essay by point or by subject: For an essay organized by point, see Unit III, Lesson 4, and the "Comparative Essay Example: Essay Organized by Point" below. For an essay organized by subject, see Unit III, Lesson 5, and the "Comparative Essay Example: Essay Organized by Subject" below.

Reference no: EM131018697

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