Create a testheadphone class

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131596650


Before attempting this project, be sure you have completed all of the reading assignments, hands-on labs, discussions, and assignments to date.

Create a Java class named HeadPhone to represent a headphone set. The class contains:

- Three constants named LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH with values of 1, 2 and 3 to denote the headphone volume.
- A private int data field named volume that specifies the volume of the headphone. The default volume is MEDIUM.
- A private boolean data field named pluggedIn that specifies if the headphone is plugged in. The default value if false.
- A private String data field named manufacturer that specifies the name of the manufacturer of the headphones.
- A private Color data field named headPhoneColor that specifies the color of the headphones.
- getter and setter methods for all data fields.
- A no argument constructor that creates a default headphone.
- A method named toString() that returns a string describing the current field values of the headphones.
- A method named changeVolume(value) that changes the volume of the headphone to the value passed into the method

Create a TestHeadPhone class that constructs at least 3 HeadPhone objects. For each of the objects constructed, demonstrate the use of each of the methods. Be sure to use your IDE to accomplish this assignment.

Reference no: EM131596650

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