Reference no: EM131678434
This task involves requires you to create a ‘Talking Heads' style video in which you, as a manager (or HRD professional), present a ‘verbal pitch' to a senior management team. This is a ‘workplace simulation', where you will summarise the key features of the Workgroup Learning and Development Proposal that you developed for Assessment 3.
Your Assessment 3 proposal described and analysed appropriate interventions for a specific workplace group (ie Team Leaders) that reports to you, within the organisation. A key aim of your verbal pitch should be to convince the management team that your proposal is necessary and viable, and that it will effectively address the target group's development ‘gap' and the needs of the organisation.
Specific Instructions
During this assessment task you should:
- Propose, describe and present the analysis of your HRD intervention/s appropriate for the target group and the organisational context.
- Verbally present the key points of your HRD proposal to a specific management audience and for a specific HRD group/purpose.
- Demonstrate understanding of both formal and informal workplace learning.
- Communicate verbally and professionally in a management context.
- Use a number of attention getting devices, suited to the audience that keeps their attention throughout.
- Use technology effectively.
- Demonstrate insight, originality and critical thinking.
- Underpin your presentation with:
o adult learning and related HRD theory and apply it to the given group and organisational context
o research in regards to specific competencies related to a job role/group/ sector
o awareness of the 70:20:10 Model of Learning and Development.
o awareness of the information needed by management to approve the proposal.
Getting started:
- Consider the following questions:
o What are the key points that need to be conveyed to the management team?
o What decisions do they need to make and what would they want to know?
- Start by formulating a skeleton script ensuring that you include the key points, for example, as related to the key headings recommended for your proposal (Assessment 3) and repeated in the format requirements below.
- Please provide a one page document summarising your key points for your audience, to support your pitch (the Subject Facilitator will view this when listening to your presentation).
Refer to the key items in your Assessment 3 Workgroup Learning and Development Proposal (as below) when determining the structure of your pitch. Keep in mind that the detail is in your written proposal and that your verbal proposal pitch should only contain key points. Be persuasive and keep the attention of your audience.
1. proposal objective/s
2. workgroup profile
3. problem statement/competency gap
4. competencies/skills to be developed
5. overview of proposed learning and development strategy
6. proposal details: key interventions
7. proposal evaluation
8. conclusions: company benefits; initial action plan
Referencing Requirements
The accompanying handout to Assessment 4 should detail the references utilised on a separate page. The reference list should be drawn from your Assessment 3 written proposal.
- Format all references used with the Academy of Management referencing style.