Reference no: EM131864613
Lab submission details:
As part of the submission for this Lab, you will design your own tables and populate them with data based on the following requirements. For each of the requirements, be sure to save the specific SQL statements that you used. Please label each SQL statement corresponding to the numbered requirements below:
1. Create a table named Faculty to store FacultyID( Primary key), FirstName, LastName, Email, Date of birth and number of courses taught to date. You should select the appropriate data types and constraints for the table.
2. Create a table named Courses to store CourseID (Primary key), Discipline Name (e.g. SDEV), Course Number (e.g. 300), Number of Credits (e.g. 3), Year first offered (e.g. 2010) and Course Title. You should select the appropriate data types and constraints for the table.
3. Create a table named FacultyCourses to store the Faculty and the Courses they have taught. You should design the table based on the Faculty and Courses tables you previously created.
4. Use Insert statements to populate at least 10 faculty records, 5 Course records, and 25 FacultyCourses records
5. Use update statements to update all Courses to 4 credits
6. Use update statements to update any Faculty who have taught more than 4 courses to modify the number to 5 courses taught
7. Delete any Faculty record whose LastName starts with the letter ‘Z'
8. Delete any Course record that was first offered in 1999
9. Use select statements to display all records in all 3 tables. Order by the Faculty lastname, and Course title as appropriate. Note you should use 3 separate select statements to satisfy this requirement.
10. Use Select statements to display all Faculty who have not taught any courses
11. Use Select statements to display all Courses offered before 1984
12. Use Select and appropriate joins to display all columns from the Faculty and Course tables for each Faculty and Course in the FacultyCourse table. Note: this will be a 3-table join.
Create screen captures showing the successful running of each your scripts. Be sure to fully describe each screen capture.
For your deliverables, you should submit a zip file containing your word document (or PDF file) with screen captures of the application running successfully along with your SQL script file. You do not need separate files for each script. You can include them in one SQL script.
Lab submission details:
As part of the submission for this Lab, you will create a simple e-Commerce supports displaying, adding, updating and deleting products from a database that are part of products in your store. Specifically, all product data must be organized in one or more MySQL tables. In addition, you will need to store your customer data as they order from your store.
Your product data should be dynamic allowing the ability for the store owner to insert new products, update existing products, delete existing products and list all available products. When designing your application, be sure to use prepared statements to minimize SQL injection. Also, make sure your Forms flow logically within your application and are presented in an attractive easy-to-use Web interface.
Create screen captures showing the successful running your application. Each screen capture should be fully described.
For your deliverables, you should submit a zip file containing your word document (or PDF file) with screen shots of the application running successfully along with your SQL script file. Include your full name, class number and section and date in the document.
Lab submission details:
As part of the submission for this Lab, you will run manual and automatic attacks on your lab submission and the UMUC Tutor app on your VM.
Be sure to work on each application separately and document the issues you found and the process you used to fix the applications. You can provide the findings in one well-organized document. You should work to eliminate all alerts in both applications and clearly document specifically what you did to mitigate each issue.
Create screen captures demonstrating your process and results. Each screen capture should be fully described. The document should be well-organized and include a table of contents, page numbers, figures, and table numbers. The writing style should be paragraph style with bullets used very sparingly to emphasize specific findings. In other words, this should be a professional report and demonstrate mastery of writing.
Be sure your process includes both manual and automatic scanning. When researching your security alerts, be sure to document your references using APA style. You should show both before and after fix vulnerability reports. Your final vulnerability report should show zero alerts and vulnerabilities.
For your deliverables, you should submit a zip file containing your word document (or PDF file) along with the before and after application files. (including sql and parameter files) If you made changes to your VM environment (e.g. security.conf, apache2.conf, php.ini) you should provide those files also.
Include your full name, class number and section and date in the document.