Create a supportive climate in collaboration

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Reference no: EM131949606

Dialogue Assignment

You will be assigned to a small group of your fellow classmates. You will prepare a short presentation that you will give to your group, in which you respond to the argument that one of your classmates made in his or her persuasive speech. This topic should relate to the theme for CMM 100 this semester. You will listen to the responses that each of your groupmates similarly give regarding someone else's persuasive argument. After everyone in the group has presented, the group will engage in a short dialogue - lasting approximately 12-15 minutes. The goal of this dialogue is not to "win" as one would try to do in a debate, but to explore the differences among people's views and to seek a deep understanding of those perspectives.


Time Limit: 3 minutes for your initial short presentation. There is a thirty second grace period on either end of that time mark within which you will not be penalized. For every thirty second period outside of that grace period, you will be penalized three points on your presentation grade up to a maximum of ten points. For example, if your presentation runs 3:31 then you will have your grade for the presentation reduced by three points, and if the presentation goes 4:01 then you will be penalized six points, and so on. The only official time is kept by the instructor and it begins the moment you start speaking. The instructor may cut your presentation off in the interest of time once you have passed two minutes over time and received the maximum penalty, in which case you will receive the time penalty and no credit for portions of the presentation not completed. A dialogue lasting at least 12-15 minutes will follow, once every group member has given his or her presentation.

Sources: For this assignment, you are required to use at least three credible sources. If you fail to use the appropriate number of acceptable sources in the references list for this assignment, you may be penalized up to twenty points on your grade at the instructor's discretion. In addition, websites such as Wikipedia,, or other such online encyclopedias do not count as expert sources. Not only do these not count towards the minimum number of sources for this assignment, but citing them as though they were credible sources will result in a 10 point penalty to your grade. Finally, although encouraged, interviews, personal correspondence, atlases, dictionaries and encyclopedias do not count toward your total number of sources. You may uses these sources, but they do not count towards the minimum number of sources. Nevertheless, if you use them, they must be listed on the references page that you provide with your notes. You may use one or more of the sources used by the person to whose argument you are responding. However, if you do so, then you should make sure that you are familiar with each source, for it is likely that your groupmates will ask you questions about your research.

Delivery: You should use a mode of delivery that your textbook calls extemporaneous delivery. In extemporaneous delivery, you as a speaker make frequent and direct eye contact with your audience, may look occasionally at abbreviated notes but do not make use of a script that states what you intend to say in a word-for- word manner, incorporate natural gestures, and exhibit vocal variety (e.g., varying tone, volume, and pace) as you would do so in everyday conversation. You also should conduct yourself during the dialogue in a way that promotes a supportive climate as described in Chapter 12.

Topic: Your topic must relate to the theme for CMM 100 for this semester. You must submit it on Isidore by the due date on the syllabus. If you do not submit your topic on time, then you will receive a five (5) point penalty on the assignment grade for each calendar day that it is late. On Isidore, you should state your topic in thesis that states what you specifically intend to argue in response to your classmate's argument. Do you agree with him or her? Disagree? Both? You also should explain briefly your justification for taking this position. How your topic relates to the theme also should be clear.

Speaking Notes: You must submit a printed copy of your speaking notes to the instructor immediately after giving your talk in class. Your notes must be typed; must be no more than ½ page, not including the reference page; must not contain any full sentences, only words and phrases, except for direct quotations that you plan to cite; and must contain a references page that lists all of your sources in proper APA format. If you do not submit a reference page with your notes, then your use of APA style cannot be evaluated, and your instructor might impose the 20 point penalty for not including the minimum number of sources on the assignment.

Handwritten Notes: You also must take handwritten notes during your groupmates' presentations and the dialogue that follows. At minimum, you should note each presenter's thesis and main points, so that you can return to these points later in the dialogue, if you wish. You also should note any questions that come to your mind and/or any points that you want to raise later when you have the chance. These handwritten notes provide evidence of the quality of your listening, and your instructor might take these notes into consideration as she or he evaluates your listening on the assignment.

Visual Aids: You are not required to use a visual aid for this assignment. If your instructor permits you to use visual aids, you should not use the digital projector, for your audience in this assignment is your group, not the entire class as it was during the persuasive assignment.

Short Presentation: Your presentation should have an introduction, body, and conclusion, though because the time available to you is short, it is expected that the introduction and conclusion will not be as developed as they would be otherwise. In your response, you must summarize the argument of the person to whom you are responding, including at minimum her or his thesis and main points. This summary should not include your opinion but rather should be as fair and objective as possible. After summarizing, you should state your own position (thesis) and present any points that you wish to make. Your argument should go beyond merely recounting what your classmate has said. If you disagree, then you should provide an argument that helps your groupmates to see an alternate perspective. If you agree, then you must offer some new perspective or insights, e.g., an angle or vantage point that your classmate did not consider or a way of extending her or his argument in a new direction.


Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able:

• Plan a short presentation that summarizes and responds to another argument

• Support your claims with evidence from credible expert sources

• Deliver the presentation through an extemporaneous mode that enhances your credibility and communicates the meaningfulness and importance of the topic

• Organize your ideas and supporting material so that you can deliver the presentation within the three- minute time frame

• State your views in a civil manner (assertive, polite, courteous, respectful, good manners)

• Identify and describe points of similarity and difference between your views and those of others regarding specific topics in a way that fosters dialogue not debate or monologue

• Create a supportive climate in collaboration with others by performing specific behaviors that promote supportiveness and reduce defensiveness

• Develop an accurate and fair understanding of other people's viewpoints in the context of an unfolding dialogue by engaging in effective listening behaviors

• Perform behaviors that reflect attitudes integral to dialogue, including unconditional positive regard and a spirit of mutual equality.

Reference no: EM131949606

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