Create a summary row

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131547359

A4 Introduction

Part 1: Establishing the Schedule

Start a new workbook and outline all materials due for the class

Include Today's Date (as a function that will update daily) with a label in a separate cell to identify it

The formatting of the date should be: Day of Week, Month, Day, Year

Create column headers for the Week#, Activity, Estimated Time for Completion, Due Date, Days Left, Completed (Y/N), and Grade. (These headers can be in any order you would like on the spreadsheet)

Headers should be formatted differently than standard data entry with any or all of the following elements (at least one required): Bold, Italics, Underline, Borders, Unique Color

A4 Part 1 Tutorial 1 of 2

Enter all activities and graded items for the class into your spreadsheet. (Use your resources from the FSO Platform expected course activities. Include BOTH weighted AND unweighted activities - anything you spend time on)

Create a Summary Row for each Week. (You will add a function at a later point.)

Enter expected due dates for each activity. (These can be due dates you establish for yourself or ones expected for the class based on the FSO platform.)

Enter your best guess of estimated hours it will take to complete each activity.

Enter "Yes" or "No" completion reference for each activity.

Create a Validation for each item in the Grade column that does not allow an entry greater than 100. (The tutorial will show you how to copy/paste this validation for quicker entry.)

A4 Part 1 Tutorial 2 of 2 Validation

Enter grade(s) if known for each activity that is weighted. (It is recommended this is done as a whole number instead of as a percentage for ease in conditional formatting, formulas, and validation; however, it is up to you on how you present)

Create borders to separate the unique weeks from each other.

Format all Columns and Rows to be legible. Use Column & Row Re-Sizing, Wrap Text, Merge Cells, or Shrink to Fit if necessary.

Part 2: Functions on Schedule Sheet

For each week's summary row, use a SUM function to properly calculate all of the hours estimated for the week's activities. SUM function should include a colon ( : ) not commas ( , ) or addition symbols ( + ) for full credit.

Include a custom format for each Summary of Estimated hours to include the word "hours" after the calculated result.

A4 Part 2 Tutorial 1 of 3

Create a nested IF/THEN function to demonstrate how many days are left until the assignment is due or if it is overdue in the days remaining column for each activity. The final nested IF statement should also show a blank cell if the item has already been completed. (See tutorial if you need help on this function.)

Example showing the results of the IF/THEN Statement

Create a conditional format to highlight if the activity is overdue for each row (do this even if you did not have any overdue items).

Part 3: Grade Calculation Sheet

Add a second worksheet and create a label for the "Points Earned".

Create column headers for the Activity, Grade, Portion of Final Grade, and Weighted Grade Calculation. A "Weeks" column is optional.

Establish links for each graded activity name. (See tutorial if you need help on how to do this and the explanation of why it will help in the future.)

Establish links for each weighted activity point value.

Hand-type the percentage weight each activity holds towards your final grade in the class. Format this figure as a percentage ( % ).

Insert formulas for the Weighted Grade Calculation of each Activity.

Create a conditional format to highlight specific grades (high, low, or both: your choice, but it should apply to all activities' grades).

Example: All Grades ≥ 90 are Green or All Grades ≤ 70 are Red.

Use a SUM function to properly calculate all of the points earned for the month. Include all activities within the SUM function, even if they do not yet have a grade. SUM function should include a colon ( : ) not commas ( , ) or addition symbols ( + ) for full credit.

Format all Columns and Rows to be legible. Use Column & Row Re-Sizing, Wrap Text, Merge Cells, or Shrink to Fit if necessary.

Apply all Worksheet Design Guidelines

Attachment:- LINK TO VIDEO.rar

Reference no: EM131547359

Questions Cloud

Why should we protect human research subjects : Why should we protect human research subjects? Who is responsible for protecting human research subjects? What is equitable selection of subjects?
Assuming the mercury is unconstrained : What is the change in length in millimeters of a 3.00-cm-long column of mercury if its temperature changes from 37.0°C to 40.0°C.
Work-energy theorem and find the final speed of the person : How much work is done by (b) the tension in the cable and (c) the person's weight? (d) Use the work-energy theorem and find the final speed of the person.
Evaluate their effectiveness with respect to certain areas : Using Online Library and other disciplinary resources, research how qualitative research is used in your field. Using this information.
Create a summary row : Create a Validation for each item in the Grade column that does not allow an entry greater than 100.
Between the top and bottom of the wing : What is the average difference in the air pressure (in N/m^2) between the top and bottom of the wing?
Different skills and training investment : The ______ theory argues that gender differences in earnings exist because men and women bring different skills and training investment to their work.
Complete your marketing plan : In this activity, you will complete your marketing plan. Use your prior assignments and instructor feedback to finalize all the sections of the marketing plan.
Explain the new federal legislation : In 1996, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a law barring governmental entities in Massachusetts from buying goods or services from companies doing.


Write a Review

Basic Statistics Questions & Answers

  What is probability of rejecting a lot on the first sample

Consider a double sampling plan given by the following parameters: N =1200, n1= 50, c1= 1, r1=4, n2= 110, c2= 5, r2=6. Find the probability of accepting lots that are 4% nonconforming. What is the probability of rejecting a lot on the first sample?

  Construct the anova table carry out the hypothesis tests

The sum of squares associated with the artist (factor B) is 2,230. The sum of squares for interactions is 804. The sum of squares for error is 8,262. Construct the ANOVA table, carry out the hypothesis tests, and state your conclusions.

  Simulation using crystal ball

Develop a spreadsheet model to determine the optimal number of magazines to order each day. Use 500 replications and round the demand values generated by the normal random number generator (RNG) to the closest integer value.

  Performing a two-way anova with replication

When performing a 2-way ANOVA with replication you must first: A) Perform an interaction hypothesis test B) Take out the error because you ran replicates and error makes no sense with replicates

  Sum of the geometric sequence

What is the total amount spent on consumer goods?

  How large a sample size is needed

Describe a situation where the sample histogram is likely to give a good indication of the population histogram based on 100 observations.

  Determine the cross correlation function

Let X(t) and Y(t) be two jointly wide sense stationary Gaussian random processes with zero-means- Determine the cross-correlation function.

  Greater contact with native groups

As the United States expanded westward Americans came into greater contact with Native groups. Explain why Americans were expanding West and the Native reaction to this advance.

  Estimate the propor­tion of days

Assuming the group with the larger values is normally distributed, use your calculated mean and standard deviation to estimate the propor­tion of days that have more than 15,300 visits. Write a paragraph describing this set of data and the conclu..

  Probability for testing having defective brakes

A sample of 4 trucks is randomly selected. What is the probability that 2 of those tested have defective brakes.

  How many different backpacks in colors does company offer

Midnight blue and dark green are the two most popular colors. How many different backpacks in these colors does the company offer?

  Political decisions and national mean

Which measure of family wealth is most important, when making political decisions, the national mean, median or mode?

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