Create a subdirectory backup

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132080087

Need help solving those issues

1. From my personal directory currently I'm trying to use "cd" command to change to the following directories one by

a. /bin


c. /etc/apm/event.d (use relative path)

d. The "Documents" directory under your personal directory

- I've tried cd /bin for a is ok

- for b, cd /etc/resume.d/temp give me "no such file or directory" same as cd ../apm/event.d for c.

2. Assume that the following files are in the working directory:

$ ls

intro notesb ref2 section1 section3 section4b

notesa ref1 ref3 section2 section4a sentrev 2

using wildcards to do the following

List all files that begin with "section".

List "section1", "section2", and "section3" 3 files only.

List the "intro" file only.

List "section1", "section3", "ref1", and "ref3" 4 files only.

Don't seems to find those files using different command and going to different directories.

Here I am not sure If I should create those files first in my working directory

3. File copy, move, and removal. Use one command to finish each step. You should not use "cd" command at all.

-Under your home directory, create a new text file using your campus email id as the file name.

- Create a copy of the file in the same directory using any name you like.

- Create a subdirectory "backup".

- Move the original file to "backup" and rename it using your first name.

- Create a copy of the "backup" directory (and all file in it); name it "backup2".

- Delete "backup".

- Rename "backup2" to "backup3".

-List the files in the new directory.

4. Link

a) Go to your "Documents" directory;

b) Create a file "file1" with the text "hello" in it;

c) Create a hard link named "file2" linked to "file1";

d) Create a soft link named "soft1" linked to "file1"; create another soft link named "soft2" linked to "file2".

e) View information of the 4 files (what command should you use to produce some output same to the figure below) - what's the difference of these 4 files?

f) Are contents of the 4 files the same? What command do you use to verify that?

g) Create a hard link "file3" linked to "soft1".

) Use a text editor (Nano or VIM) to edit "soft2": change "hello" to "hello, world". Now, what is the content in each of the 5 files? Are they the same? What if you change the text in any of these files?

i) Rename "file1" to "change". Now, how many files can you still open and view the content? Use the same command you used in step e) to view file information. What's the change?

j) Use a text editor to edit "file3": type "Linux" and save. Now what will happen? Which files share the same content? Why?

k) List all files you have now (use the -l option).

Reference no: EM132080087

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