Create a student class and driver

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131207606

"Student Class and Driver"

This Student Class will be the data that will be used for each of the projects assigned and graded this semester.

Your Student Class will consist of:
Student Attributes:
First Name
Last Name
ID Number (6 digit number, generated as a random integer, assigned as a string)
List of Courses Taken (you may use an ArrayList type, or a linked list)
Total number of credits (calculated, not entered as data)
GPA (calculated, not entered as data)

Student Methods / Functions:
usual "sets and gets"
comparison based on lastName
equality test based on idNo
toString (formatted as shown below)
Your Course Class will consist of:
Course Attributes:
Course Number (4 digit used as a string)
Number of Credits (double)
Grade received (string ‘A', ‘B+', etc)
Course Methods:
usual "sets and gets"
toString (courseID, credits, grade)
equality test based on idNo

Your driver program should consist of an array of Student.

LoadData: the student data should be read in from a text file and stored in the array. A course code of -999 will mark the end of the course list.

AddStudent: the user will input the new student (name only) and add to the rear of the array

Display: will display all of the students in the formatted form.

StoreData: the student array will be stored to the text file.

Student Data will be formatted:

Last name, First Name, IDNo

Course1 code, credits, grade

Course2code, credits, grade etc.

Total Credits, GPA.

Reference no: EM131207606

Questions Cloud

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Create a student class and driver : Create a Student Class and Driver. List of Courses Taken (you may use an ArrayList type, or a linked list). will display all of the students in the formatted form.
Find the total impedance zt and the total admittance yt : Find the total impedance ZT and the total admittance YT. - Find the current Is. - Calculate I2 using the current divider rule. - Calculate VC.
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Find total impedance zt and power factor of the network : For the network of given figure: -  Find the total impedance ZT. -  Calculate the voltage V2 and the current IL. - Find the power factor of the network.
Does one personality always predict one behavior : This module addressed research methodologies used to better understand the construct of personality. Which of these methods produces the most valid information in the real world of personality research? Why?


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