Create a strcat procedure

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13161180

Create a strcat procedure (like C's strcat function). Your procedure will be given the addresses (using the method presented in Chapter 8) of two string arrays. It will add the contents of the second array to the first. Make sure there is enough extra space in the first array to accomodate the characters that will be added. Your program will print the contents of both strings before calling strcat, then print the contents of string1 after the call. It should not change the second string in any way.

Here is the main for this assignment:

main PROC
        call Clrscr

        mov  eax, OFFSET string1        ;push string1's address
        push eax
        call writestring
        mov  eax, OFFSET string2        ;push string2's address
        call writestring
        push eax

        call strcat

        mov edx, OFFSET string1 ;output string1
 which should be a combination of string1 + string2
        call writestring
        call crlf

main ENDP

Reference no: EM13161180

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