Create a static web page that includes the basic structure

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13770040

In an era where Web sites are highly dynamic, interactive, and database dependent, a static Web page consisting of only HTML may seem archaic. However, Web developers must begin somewhere and a good understanding of the language of the Web (HTML) is the right place to start. You have decided to develop a static Web page that contains valid HTML as the newsletter for an organization that interests you.

• Create a static Web page that includes the basic structure of a valid HTML (not XHTML) document. Make sure to include the language attribute of the html element and the character set attribute of the metadata element. You may want to save this basic document as the starting structure for development of all static Web pages.

• Continue to structure the newsletter using the HTML semantic elements
o header
o section
o footer

• Within the structure of the newsletter add other HTML elements including at least one:
o heading
o paragraph
o image that implements accessibility guidelines
o navigation that includes a

  • list of at least
  • four links that
  • navigate to actual Web pages and
  • implement accessibility guidelines

• Use of any inline elements should follow current standards
• No style should be applied
• Validate the finished web page.
• Zip (compress) the into a .zip file.

Reference no: EM13770040

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