Create a state diagram for the state of a horse from

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Reference no: EM132130510

Assignment - Horse Race Meeting

The Assignment will assess competencies for ICTPRG524 Develop high level object-oriented class specifications.


The assignment is to design the classes that are necessary for the administration of a horse race meeting.

Use cases

Create use case diagrams and scenarios for the following use cases:

- Schedule race meeting
- Schedule race
- Enter horse in race
- Assign horse to stable
- Conduct barrier draw
- Change jockey
- Produce schedule for jockey
- Produce schedule for owner

Your use cases should show at least the following actors:

- Jockey
- Owner
- Operator

Identifying classes

From your scenarios, identify classes. In one or more UML class diagrams, document your classes with attributes and operations to support your use cases.

State diagram

Create a state diagram for the state of a horse from arrival at the racecourse to departure.

Out of scope

The following are out of scope and not necessary for the assignment:

- Transporting horses to the race course
- Paying prize money

- Protests
- Making bookings and issuing tickets for spectators

Reference no: EM132130510

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10/4/2018 12:50:59 AM

State Diagram • Is the diagram correct? Does it demonstrate understanding of UML? • Is the diagram appropriate? Is it consistent with the class diagram or diagrams and the scenarios? • Is the diagram complete? Does it include all states? /20 TOTAL /100


10/4/2018 12:50:48 AM

Class Diagrams • Are the class diagrams correct, demonstrating understanding of UML? • Are the classes appropriate? Do they support the scenarios? • Are the classes complete? Are there attributes and operations to support everything envisaged by the scenarios? • Are the classes well designed? Do they demonstrate understanding of abstraction, coupling, cohesion and encapsulation? /40


10/4/2018 12:50:36 AM

For the % grade, you will be also be marked according to the following: Use Cases and Scenarios Mark • Are all actors identified in the scenarios depicted in the use case diagrams? • Are actors appropriate to each use case? • Are the use case diagrams correct, demonstrating understanding of UML? • Are scenarios complete and well-considered? In other words, are there no obvious missing steps? Are secondary scenarios for error situations described? • Are scenarios clear? Would a class designer understand what classes would be needed to implement the scenario? /40


10/4/2018 12:50:18 AM

Knowledge Evidence To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must: outline configuration management outline current industry-accepted object-oriented methodologies outline current program development methodologies describe data modelling techniques describe object-oriented analysis tools describe quality assurance practices


10/4/2018 12:50:12 AM

Grading of Assignments This is how your assignment will be marked: Has the student demonstrated the following? ICTPRG524 Develop high-level object-oriented class specifications C NYC Performance Evidence (Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once) Evidence of the ability to: specify and model abstract data types specify the interface between classes and objects document the results

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