Create a standard confirmation page

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131744196

Website Project Assignment

I. Select a theme for a type of business that you would like to have or may already have.

Design a website with twelve pages based on your selected theme.

A) Page One Home Page

B) Page Two Product Specification

C) Page Three Photo Gallery

D) Page Four Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)

E) Page Five Links Page

F) Page Six Search Page

G) Page Seven Feedback Page

H) Page Eight Confirmation Page

I) Page Nine Registration Page

J) Page Ten Purchase Order/Payment Page


A) The Home Page must contain the following:

1) A Website title or banner.

2) A Marquee.

3) At least one photograph and at least one clip art; your selected photograph should be related to your theme with widely contrasting imagery.

4) An Image Map that has at least three hot spots that link to the following: Photo Gallery page, FAQ page, Links Page, Search Page, and/or a website of your choice.

5) A Hit Counter.

6) An audio file must be embedded into the Home Page.

B) Product Specification

1) Describe your product line, and/or services that your company provides.

2) Give as much detail as possible to your viewers who may be prospective customers or clients.

3 Your product specification should display thumbnail images that are linked to related larger images on the Photo Gallery page.

C) Photo Gallery contains

1) Photographs or images that are related to the thumbnail images on your Product Specification page.

2) There should be at least one hyperlink that takes the viewer back to the Product Specification page.

D) Frequently Asked Questions Page (FAQ)

1) Each question must be accompanied by a thumbnail image.

• By clicking on the thumbnail image, the viewer should immediately see the answer to the question and an enlarged image of the thumbnail.

• By clicking on the question, the viewer should immediately see the answer to the question and an enlarged image of the thumbnail.

2) The FAQ page must contain a search engine. Use available templates.

E) The Links Page must have the following hyperlinks:

1) There must be three different hyperlinks to websites related in some manner to your website.

2) There must be one hyperlink to your e-mail address.

3) There must be one photograph that links to another page in your website.

4) There must be one clip art that links to another page in your website.

F) The Search Page.

Create a standard search page. Use available templates.

The search page must contain three additional hyperlinks to websites related to the theme of your web site.

G) The Feedback Page.

Create a standard feedback page. Use available templates.

H) Confirmation Page

Create a standard confirmation page Use available templates.

I) Registration Page

J) Purchase Order/Payment Page

III Global Requirements.

1 Navigation links must be placed into:

a) A menu at the top of each page

b) A table at the bottom of each page.

2) The background of each page must be the same color, design, or watermarked photograph.

3) The roll over effect must be activated for each hyperlink.

Reference no: EM131744196

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